Teaching Lessons

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Note: Finally, that romantic one shot I promised ;) Also my bad if I messed up on anything Shadowhunters related - I watch the original movie but haven't had the chance to try the TV show yet ;)

Jack was a quick learner. It didn't take the boy that long to pick up on things like current slang and which celebrity was dating who. He was a quick study for only being a month old. In fact, Sam jokingly called him my "protege" due to how much time we spent together lately. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't developed feeling for the nephilim. 

He was sweet, funny, kind and held a child-like innocence that I found endearing. Jack was always so thirsty for knowledge that he even insisted upon watching the National Geographic Channel constantly. Of course, I knew he had to know more than just the different species of animals so I made him watch the CW and Freeform, too. Admittedly, Jack had become quite hooked on Shadowhunters and The 100. It was comical to watch him fanboy, I confess. He even got into Gilmore Girls but after finding what he claimed was a "Sam clone", he quickly quit that one. 

Rolling my eyes as I recounted these things, I took a swig of my Mountain Dew.

"Teach me how to kiss," Jack's voice suddenly piped up out of nowhere.

Whipping around to face him, I choked on my drink and the clear liquid burned as it slid down my throat.

Briefly putting a hand on my chest once the coughing finally subsided, I met his piercing blue gaze.

"Jack, what in the world are you talking about?!" I asked, my eyebrows shooting to my hairline.

He shrugged, smiling innocently as he took a step further into the library.

"I watch these people on these shows you make me watch. They're always pressing their lips on each other's and I learned they call it "kissing"," he explained with air quotes, making me chuckle at his naivety, "Especially Jace and Clary. They do it often,"

I grinned, "That they do, Jack, that they do,"

"So I'd like to know how," he beamed at me.

I felt my cheeks grow hot as he inched closer and closer to where I was standing.

"Jack, I-I don't think this is such a good idea," I started to protest, grabbing a chair to put in between us.

He stopped, frowning sadly as his eyes locked on mine.

"I'm sorry. Am I making you nervous?" he asked.

I swallowed the thick lump that had formed in my throat, shaking my head.

"Well, um, no. Of course not but-" I began to say when he cut me off.

"Then why are you moving away from me? As I understand it, most humans enjoy it quite a lot,"

I'm sure my face was beet red in that moment as Jack moved the chair so that we were face-to-face now.

"I don't know, Jack..." I said, my voice quiet as I trailed off.

He was so close now, I could feel his warm breath mingling with mine as we spoke.

"I won't hurt you," Jack told me softly, his hand reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

I shivered under his touch as ever so slowly, he began to lean in. Everything felt in slow-motion at that moment. Then almost all at once, I heard him suck in a sharp breath.

"Teach me..." he whispered against my mouth.

His lips pressed to mine then and even though I'd anticipated it, I still felt caught off-guard. Jack's lips shouldn't feel so...soft on mine, right? Our mouths shouldn't mold together this-this...perfectly, right? But the miraculous thing was that it did - it all felt so right. Before I had time to talk myself out of it, I began to kiss him back hungrily. His hands found their way to my waits then as my fingers tangled in the strands of dirty blond hair at the nape of his neck.

My heart raced in my chest as he pulled me closer to him.

"Jump." he mumbled into the kiss softly and I did as told.

His hands slid under my thighs, hoisting me up onto the table in the library. I heard a book land on the floor with a loud thud but the both of us ignored it as his hands roamed across my jeans legs. I kissed him fervently, putting all of my bottled up emotions into it. His chest was pressed against mine now and I could feel his body heat radiating through his t-shirt. But just as he deepened the kiss, Jack suddenly pulled away from me. Or should I say, he was ripped away forcefully by the guiding hand of the eldest Winchester.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Dean bellowed, holding Jack by the shirt collar, "SAMMY! GET IN HERE!"

"Dean!" I shouted at my older brother, "Let him go! He didn't do anything!"

Sam burst into the room then, out of breath from running through the hallways to get here.

"What's wrong?!" he asked in a panic.

"He-" Dean started, pointing an index finger at Jack, "-was trying to eat the face of our little sister!"

"No, I wasn't," Jack said in obvious confusion, "I don't practice cannibalism,"

Dean let out a long, frustrated sigh, shaking his head. Sam took one look at me and Jack's red face then and being the sensitive guy he was, quickly surveyed the situation. He placed one large hand on Dean's shoulder.

"Dean, I think...I think we need to talk about boundaries." Sam told him, propelling our brother out the door after releasing Jack from Dean's death grip.

I could hear Dean protesting the entire way to the kitchen. I would have laughed if I hadn't been so shy and embarrassed as I stood across from Jack.

"Um..." I started to say, scratching the back of my neck briefly in nervous anxiety, "That was..."

"Good practice," Jack beamed, surprising me.

Slowly, a smirk crept onto my face, "Practice, huh?"

He nodded, closing the distance between us..

"I would like to do this again...so I know how," he told me seriously but there was a twinkle of mischief in those cerulean blue orbs.

"Oh, I think you know how, already," I smirked as his hands came to rest on my hips once more, "The question is: how did you know what to do already?"

"Oh, that! Well, Castiel and I were watching the Pizza Man and-" Jack started when suddenly Cas walked by, trench coat swishing across his legs as he kept walking.

"We're not supposed to talk about it!" he called over his shoulder sternly, shutting Jack up instantly.

I bit back a giggle as Cas exited the room. Grabbing the back of Jack's neck then, I crashed his lips into mine.

That Pizza Man should give lessons to every boy.

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