The Perfect Ornament

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Note: Seasonal freebie. Merry Christmas, y'all!! ^_^

"Rocking around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday!" the radio played loudly, filling up the Bunker with its cheerful music, "Later we'll have some pumpkin pie and we'll do some caroling,"

"Cas, move it a little to the left...nope, that's too far," I directed the trench-coat-clad angel as he balanced on the ladder.

He held a large, glittery silver star in his hands and to say the least, he was agitated. Well, as agitated as an Angel of the Lord could be.

"I told you it won't balance there," Cas said lowly as again, he attempted to place the start at the top of the tree.

"It doesn't matter, Cas. She'll nag you until you put it where she wants it," Sam called up to him with a smirk before exclaiming, "Ow! That hurt!"

I smiled in triumph as he rubbed the arm I'd slapped.

"Excuse you, Sammy, but who's in charge of decorating this year - you or me?" I shot back, smirking.

He rolled his hazel brown eyes and a chuckle emitted from my throat.

"So how much of this am I supposed to eat?" Jack asked from across the room.

My eyes turned to face him and when I did, my mouth formed an 'O'. He sat cross-legged in the middle of the map table surrounded by a mountain of popcorn.

"Jack, you're not supposed to eat any of it. It's for the tree!" I said, throwing my hands up in exasperation.

"So...the tree is going to eat it?" he asked simply, eyebrows furrowed.

"No, Jackie," I shook my head, walking over to hand him a string to thread the popcorn on, "It's to decorate the tree with,"

The poor boy still looked so confused. So much so in fat that he shot a questioning look over to Cas who was now rummaging through a box of ornaments.

"It's a human sentiment thing," he explained to the young nephilim, briefly looking up from what he was doing.

Jack emitted an "oh" of understanding and I sighed.

"Look, why don't you go help Cas in putting on the ornaments and I'll do this?" I said, patting him on the back as he hopped off he table to join the other angel.

It didn't take long for Jack to get excited over the other decorative things, completely taking his mind off the popcorn fiasco. I saw him pull out a Rudolph ornament and laughed at his awed expression as he hung it.

"Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock! Jingle bell swing and jingle bells ring. Snowin' and blowin' up bushels of fun. Now the jingle hop has begun!" a new song sang out and I hummed along happily as I finished stringing the popcorn before hanging it on the tree as well.

"Hey, Sammy, hand me that other string of lights, will ya?" Dean called to his younger brother, his face and body hidden completely by the tree.

"Your string of lights still shine bright to me, oh!" Sam sang back to him.

Dean poked his head out from behind the tree and glared at him, "It's Christmas, Sam. Don't mock me!"

"Aw, I thought maybe your heart had grown three size and you were ready for Taylor Swift songs again," Sam fake-pouted, earning an elbow in the ribs from Dean and a hearty chuckle from me.

"I FOUND IT! THE PERFECT ORNAMENT!" Jack shouted out in delight, popping up from behind a stack of ornament boxes.

I glanced over at him and couldn't help but grin as he stepped over to the tree to hang his treasure. Bits of sparkly garland trimming littered his hair but I held back the giggle that threatened to tumble from my lips. The lights came on suddenly and we all cheered as Daen stepped out from behind the tree then to join Sam, Cas, and me who were standing in front. Jack touched the ornament one last time before coming to stand beside me.

"He's just like me," Jack whispered as I wrapped my arms around him in a side hug.

When I finally got a good look at the tree and Jack's ornament though, I understood what he had meant. Nestled in between some branches was a small figure. Half of it was a broken angel and the other broken half was that of a human man - glued together to fit perfectly.

"It is like you. A nephilim," I said softly, my eyes brimming with unshed tears.

Pulling Jack closer to me, I placed a light kiss on his cheek, making him blush slightly.

"And we'll name him Jack."

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