Jack, Honey

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"You're not really supposed to-" I started to speak up.

But it was too late. The wrapper was already in his mouth. I let out a sigh and shut my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose between my index finger and thumb.

"Jack, the paper wrapped around it is to protect it for germs, not for you to eat," I said with an exasperated sigh on the end.

His blue eyes mirrored confusion but slowly, he spat out the wrapper into his hand and held it out to me.

"I apologize. I did not know it was not for consumption," he said sorrowfully.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed his wrist and guided him over to the trash can to throw it away.

"Really, Jack, honey, you can't keep eating inedible things. It's not-" I began to say when I was rudely cut off by a gruff voice in the doorway.

" "Jack, honey"? You call him "honey", now?"

I glanced up into the familiar green eyes of my big brother and my face turned bright red with embarrassment as I released Jack's wrist like he'd burned me.

"Um, no...no, of course not! I mean, why would I? I didn't say "Jack, honey", I said "Jack...MONEY!" I was telling him how I needed...money?" I stumbled over my words, ending it more like a question than a statement.

Dean frowned, clearly not buying it as he crossed his arms. He turned to Jack then, arching an eyebrow. Oh, here we go! I thought to myself.

"What did she say just before I came in here?" he demanded, eyes hardening as he looked at the nephilim.

Jack squirmed under his gaze in obvious discomfort, biting his lip.

"Um...she..." he chanced a glance at me then and I shook my head, eyes wide as I tried to convey my message for him to keep quiet.

Unfortunately, Jack hadn't yet learned what shaking my head violently meant so he just blurted out the truth.

"She called me honey. But it's alright, I believe people use that as a term of endearment. She did not call me a condiment," he said with a smile, proud of himself as if he'd clarified the entire situation to the older Winchester.

Dean scowled and immediately, I knew bad things were about to happen. As he lunged for the younger boy, I latched onto his waist tightly and tried to hold him back.

"SAMMY! GET YOUR MOOSE BEHIND IN HERE! NOW!" I screamed, my voice echoing off the walls of the Bunker.

Within seconds, loud tromping noises came from down the hallway and then my middle brother stood in the doorway, nearly taking up the entire space as his head brushed the top. His hazel eyes widened in surprise as he quickly took in the situation and ran over to me and Dean. Together we managed to pull him off a very confused and very disheveled Jack.

"DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN! DON'T EVEN TOUCH HIM!" I seethed, getting in my older brother's face so we were nose-to-nose.

With those last words, I grabbed Jack's hand and propelled him out the room and down the hallway. I stopped at my own room then and trudged inside with Jack in tow. Belly-flopping onto my bed, I let out a long sigh of frustration before I felt the bed dip down beside me. Glancing up into such beautiful blue eyes, I smiled up at the nephilim I'd grown to care for these past several weeks.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that," I told him softly and he just shook his head at me.

"It wasn't your fault. Families have disagreements," he shrugged and I smiled again, reaching out to cup his face.

"Thanks, Jack." I uttered, my words quiet in the stillness as I caressed his cheek gently.

He was silent a moment and then, ever so slowly, he lifted up a hand and his fingers grazed mine with the gentleness of a child. His blue eyes gazed into mine and he gave me a small smile.

"Anything for you."

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