Espresso x Timekeeper!reader

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A/n:Y'all I ain't dead just went ona hiatus I had to walk my fish Jerry.
Anyways have this fan fiction here :)

If it's "mossy" your talking
If it's "child" character is talking
If it's 'cheese' thinking or something

After for so many days and months of trying to find the culprit of breaking the rifts of time the TBD had finnaly found them.


They had managed to capture you and bring you into a concrete box with a one way exit which was locked. They also took away your sonic embroider and kept it somewhere with a few of the TBD employees guarding it hence you were quite powerless without it.

We're you alone in that box? Nope you had a little someone accompanying you
It was espresso cookie. How did you knew their name? Well you had been watching him in the rifts of time a few times and one of his friends told you his name when you were pretending to be some normal cookie and who exactly that cookie was? Madeline of course. The knight of divine and everything.

Oh right. What was espresso cookie doing in the TBD anyway? That is an answer you can't really explain to yourself either. Huh? Oh right he was still here.

The two of you sat on each side of the table not saying a word the silence was unnerving until you noticed espresso cookie looked a little distressed and seem to not be able to focus on something so you decided to break the silence "what's wrong dear? Cat got your tongue or something..?~ or are we not gonna speak for awhile?~" he didn't say anything but continued to stare 'hm.. Maybe this will make him speak up.'

"Ah alright then.. Well... Yknow that I will break out in some way."


No you won't."

"There I knew you could talk. Now. Do you really think you could keep me in this concrete box?"

3rd person POV
No answer. Espresso cookie knew he wasn't supposed to talk to you. You were a criminal anyway for breaking the time rifts and somehow you were able to convince one of the TBD employees to help you but now they're taking some days off from working. You can't be trusted in anyway.

Back to your POV.
You rested your head on your palm and letting out a small chuckled and shrugged before fixing your posture on the chair. "Well then I guess you want to play a staring contest. I guess why not."


Silence again you seem to have noticed that espresso cookie was examining your figure so you tried to play a little trick on him by shining a light on his face using your top hats goggles that rested on it before you had one little idea to escape.

"My eyes are down here dear."

For a moment he looked at your eyes for awhile. You knew what you were doing your left eye had a spiral like pupil instead of a normal one while the other was covered with some kind of monocle.

3rd person POV.

Espresso cookie looked at your eye it seems he could hear you laughing. Huh? Since when was he able to hear you laugh just by looking at your  ̶A̶l̶l̶u̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ eyes?

"There we go.~"

"Just relax and look into my eyes dearie~"

Espresso cookie seems to relax a little his shoulders dropped and he watched you tilt your head. His blinking seemining to slow and your voice became a buzz in his head.

"Nod for me."

He started nodding now. But what was he agreeing to? He didn't hear the question didn't felt nice to nod along until you put your hand on his head to make him stop. You leaned forward a little to his face maybe a couple inches away. Though something about your smile was quite gentle and your eyes seem quite alluring now.

Did it matter? Possibly not or whatever you said didn't matter that much anymore. He seems to not really be able to control his mind anymore it seems to have drifted farther and farther away from him.

That's alright to him. It felt nice to be empty. It feels nice to be numb and tired..

"When you finnaly awaken fetch me my sonic embroider that's being guarded by the TBD employees alright?"

Espresso cookie nodded well kind of. Hearing your voice felt nice. It felt nice to follow your orders and do whatever you told him to do.

"Hm.. Before you sleep here's a little reward for being such a good boy.~"

(Author:*sobs* im sorry. For writing that *more sobbing*)

He seemed confused before you leaned onto his face giving him a kiss before letting go from it. You noticed that he was blushing now.

"My. My. Quite a nice taste hm..?"

"Well then. You know what to do now. Goodnight darling.~"

It was on that his eyes finnaly shut and his back touches the back of the chair.

He could still feel his surroundings. It felt like he was being picked up he could feel something on his head and under his chin. Oh. I guess you were giving him some head pats like he's some kind of cat. It doesn't really matter that much it felt nice anyway.

A/n:*sobs* anyways yuh hope ya liked it :]

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