Chapter 2

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This one might be shorter - Author Note

Angie and I came to my house after school to hang out. She was sitting on the floor on her phone and I was next to her painting my nails. I can hear her flipping through people's stories.

"Almost got it" I say , focused on painting my pinky toe.
"Aye bro" Angie says, eyes still on her screen.
"Yeah?" I questioned finishing my nails.
"We should go to Mason's party next month" she says looking up me
My blank stare slowly turned into a smile then quickly the smile turned into a laugh
Angie looks at me unamused at the non existent joke.
"Oh your for real?" I say almost stopping my laughter completely
"Duh" she says
"But like Ive Never been to a party. What happened if we get kidnapped going to the party or better yet at the party. What happens if someone slips something in my drink. Or worst pure social embarrassment where I say sit the whole time looking like a clear outcast-" Angie interrupts my rant.
"Babe it's a party down the street not a cabin in the woods" she says putting her hand on my shoulder.
It's not that I hated parties or even social interactions it's just I had little to no social cues and even when they did kick in, it was too late.

I had just moved at it was the beginning of sophomore year. I was in the lunch room sitting by myself when this cute guy sat next to me. I remember this because I remember I was scarfing down this pepperoni and spinach pizza that I brought to school from home.
"Hi" he said nudging me.
"Hi" I smiled brightly. But little did I know, a huge chunk of spinach was stuck in my teeth. His eyes widened and he slowly left the table. He still avoids eye contact still to this day.
And another time the day before Christmas break my last period class let us have free time for the last 30 minutes of class. This girl Jill and Ericka were talking about this one singer.
"Omg he is so hot." Ericka points at Jill's phone.
"Omg I know right." She squeals back.
I heard them talking and I happened to peek over and see the singer.
"Oh he is cute but did you guys know early this year he was accused of battery and assault to his pregnant mistress. Nearby neighbor caught it on video and everything. Check Twitter " I say smiling. I was just trying to inform them. They just stared awkwardly before waking away
End of Flashback

The point is I never knew what to say at times. I didn't completely lack social awareness but it was like my brain couldn't catch up with my mouth. And before you knew it. We got spinach and some girl crying in class because she has to refund tickets to her favorite artist.
"I'll think about it. Just remind me ok?" I say as I gather my stuff that I did my nails with.
Angie nods and smiles widely.
"Oh and bitch speaking of social gatherings... why did you want me to ask Rodrick to prom, I thought we were going together" I say giving her a slight playful attitude.
" Look I love you babes but if you think I'm going home with you on prom night you have another thing coming" she says laughing. I roll my eyes and laugh with her.
She slams her phone down.
"Ok enough chit chat. It's make up time"
Even though Ang was going to school for fashion school, she used to want to go to Cosmetology school. She loved the whole hair and makeup thing. I liked to be her practice doll. It made her happy seeing how she grew up as the only girl until about 6 months ago when her new baby sister was born. Growing up, there was her two older brothers both now in there 20's and one right behind her only a year apart. And now the new baby.
"Beat or more natural?" She asks holding up two different pallets
"Natural. As natural as you can" I say borderline begging.
"Beat it is" she says happily
I roll my eyes and smile
"Also you know it's okay not to be so hard on yourself right L? She said brushing my eye brows
She's not wrong so I just smile at her.
"Yeah I know Ang" I say agreeing.
This is why she was my best friend. The only person to every look out for me next to my grandpa. The rest of the night we spent time doing make up , talking, had some pizza the norm for me and Angie's Tuesday night.

The Next Day

"Alright guys so I wanna do something a little different for the beginning of class. I know this is chemistry but I want you guys to do this first.
He passed paper row to row. I get mine and read the title


"Personality test?" Someone in the back questions.
I too was confused. This was AP chemistry.
"Sir this is Ap Chem. Why are we doing a compatibility test?" Someone question him.
"Well would you all rather do this pop quiz I have behind the desk? I have plenty of copies" he says with a huge smile on his face pointing to his desk.
"Ouu only 50 questions" I say trying to ignore his remark so he wouldn't give out a test.
Rodrick was sitting next to me.
"Ugh I do not want to do this." Rodrick says under his breathe just enough for me to here.
"Watch and learn short stuff." He whispers to me.
I side eye him. Rodrick grabs his stomach and groans. After two medium loud groans almost everyone in class was looking at him
"What's wrong Heffley?" Mr. Paxton clearly slightly annoyed.
Rodrick winks and gets up acting as if he's sick. Bent over and still groaning he gets to Mr.P's and he whispers to him. I see Mr.P take a sheet of palate out and write on it handing it to Rodrick along with the personality test. Rodrick waddles towards the door. I watch him. Just before he walks out the door he turns and winks at me then leaves. This completely caught me off guard. Not his actions though. Every other week he was ditching class to go to the nurses office due to "stomach issues" I don't know if it was because Rodrick could of had a good grade in the class or that it was narrowing down til graduation in just a few months, but Mr.P would always write him a pass.
I look at the test. I whisper a slight groan. I did not want to do this. It wasn't even work and as far as we knew it wasn't even a grade. I had just enough energy to pass the rest of my classes with A's and B's and I did not need to excerpt extra energy on this test that probably didn't even count towards anything. I look at the first question

Do you consider yourself an introvert, an Ambivert or a extrovert?

I look out the window and remember what Ang told me last night

"You know it's okay not to be so hard on yourself"
I look down at my paper. And just like that I'm checking every answers not taking the test that seriously. The thing about personality test is that the questions are always divided by who you Want to be and who you actually are. I always let small things overwhelm me. It's not like the test counted for anything. This time I'm just gonna enjoy answering simple questions. I fly through the test and finish in 5 minutes. There were 50 questions which wants bad. I finished just in time. Mr.P's Timer went off.
"Alright everyone pass there papers to the front"
I pass my paper to the person infront of me.
"Um Mr.P what was that test for?" A student in the back asks.
"Oh, you'll find out at the end of the day" he smiles as he puts the personality test in a Creme looking folder.
"Alright every take your books out the chapter 12. We all sigh and take out books out. Rodrick doesn't come back to class

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