Chapter 5

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It was so weird. I didn't expect Rodrick to actually go through with this whole project friendship thing but he did. Here he was walking side by side with me with a huge goofy smile on his face. I don't know it was the slight social anxiety I had but it felt like the whole school was staring at us. I get it we're an unlikely pair but we weren't that different right? Yes he was known for his extroverted personality and yes he was also known for having a band and going to nearly every party and girls found his cool emo boy persona attractive but it wasn't like he was completely out of this world. I mean yes I didn't go to parties and sitting in the way back of the class was my comfort area but we weren't that different right? Oh who am I kidding duh.
Rodrick this past week has been walking me to my classes or meeting me after class just to walk side by side and say absolutely nothing to each other. But even if we weren't doing that he seemed to always be around. I get he was trying but we both know we weren't trying hard enough.

I walk to the lunchroom to see Ang and Miguel at our usual table. My eyes wonder over to the table around 10 feet across from us and it's Rodrick and his friends table. For someone who was B list popular at our school he never sat with a huge group, just Chris and John.

"Hey babes" Ang says cheerfully
Miguel and Ang were sitting so close I'm surprised they didn't morph. I laugh at the thought
"Wassup Lod" Miguel says matching the same energy as Ang
"Hi guys" I say plopping down in front of them
"Where's your guy? I'm surprised he isn't following you around like a puppy" says Miguel
"I know right. It's odd" I say fake shivering
"Well I think it's sweet" Ang says nuzzling into Miguel's shoulder
These two are really adorable
"I mean me and Rodrick were both on JV football together our freshman and we have some classes together and we sometimes talk. He seems pretty cool." He says with a faint smile on his face. I know he's genuine.
I look over my shoulder to see Rodrick tossing tater tot's in Chris's mouth
I turn back around to Ang and Miguel.
"He's ok?" I say turning my head to show them what Rodrick was doing.
"Hey I never said anything about his mental" he laughs
Me and Ang laugh
"Guys guess what I officially secured room and board at the international fashion academy!!" Ang says cheerful
Me and Miguel squill with happiness
"Congrats babe" Miguel says giving her a huge hug and kiss
"Congrats Ang I'm so happy for you " I said squeezing her hand out of excitement
"Thanks guys I'm so glad I was able to get a room. How one manages to lose her entire Acceptance packet is crazy" she says mentally facepalming
"Well the good news is you found it" I squeeze her hand again and she blows me a kiss
I'm really gonna miss Ang when she leaves. Going all the way to Paris. But she's a brilliant fashion designer and this is coming from a women who engulfs herself in hoodies and oversized pants on a daily and has less of a fashion sense than a prison inmate. But yeah she's got talent. I know she's gonna do go places.

We talk a little more.
Rodrick looks over at the table and gets up
"... and yeah so" Ang stops
Before I could ask her what she's looking at I feel a light squeeze on my shoulders. It was Rodrick
"Hey losers. Just kidding you guys aren't losers" he says awkwardly but slightly cheerful
"Speaking of the devil" Miguel says
"Wait? Were you guys talking about me" he says playfully getting a little close to my face. I pull back.
"So wassup man" Miguel asks
"Oh right. So I was wondering if you guys wanted to come sit over there by us. I figure since we are gonna be stuck with each other you might as well get to know lunch time me" he says
"Is the lunch time you any different than regular you?" She asks just as confused as I was
"I mean well yeah... Hey me and the guys into real heated debates... about important stuff" he pleads trying to convince us
We all sit in silence and just stare at him
"Ok wfine lunch time me is the same as regular me" he confesses
"But I'd really like if you sit with me" he says turning to me
These are the times I love being black even more because you can't see the slight blush that casted along my cheeks
"You guys can if you want" he turns to Miguel and Ang as well
"Well it's up to the ladies" he says looking at Ang then me
"I mean I really don't min-"
I quickly widen my eyes signaling her that I didn't wanna sit over there
"I mean you know it really isn't my choice either" she quickly says awkwardly as she sits back and drinks her coke
Miguel laughs and puts his head in her hair
"Looks like it's up to you Kid" Rodrick says nudging me as he stands up.
It's silent for a sec
"Naw I'm good" I say sipping my orange juice
"Well looks like the lady has spoken" Miguel says to Rodrick
Miguel was always the protective type. Even though this wasn't a situation I needed protection from I appreciated it.
"Alright. Well okay then" Rodrick says taking a step back
"I'm gone, I'm going" he says dragging it
I knew what he was doing
"Alright buddy see you later" I say not looking behind me to see Rodrick only backing up inches
"I'm approaching the table"
I'm still silent.
"I'm in close proximity" he says dragging out the goodbye
Ang and Miguel look at each other and smile
He's still going
"I'm putting one leg under the table and im about to sit"
I'm surprised people aren't staring because he's above inside voice trying to make sure I hear him
"Fine." I say loudly
"Come on get ya shit lets go" I say to Miguel and Ang
Ang bust out laughing and Miguel started to snicker.
I collect my belongings and Ang, Miguel and I walk over to the round lunch table with Rodrick, Chris and John.
"Sup taters" John greets us
"Tator?" Ang questions
"Cause you guys are short"
"And brown?" I ask
John eyes widen
"OH MY GOD NO" he rushes to explain in a panic
Me and Ang start laughing
"Naw I'm just kidding" I say insuring John it was ok
"Okay cool" he breathes out
After the laughter died down it got silent
Then awkward
"So you guys going to prom?" Chris asks breaking the silence
"Yeah man" says Miguel
"I'm going" Ang agrees
I'm not sure yet" I say
"Really? Why not" Rodrick asks turning to me
"I don't know" I shrugged awkwardly eating my salad
There was a reason why I didn't wanna go. But no one knew why. Not even Ang. And I'd like to keep it that way. So to avoid any further questions I go with my go to answer
"I really don't like dresses" I say
Ang scoffs
"What I'm serious. You know this" I laugh it off
"You didn't tell me you didn't wanna go" Ang says confused
"You have to go I mean everyone's gonna be there. Don't miss out just because of a stupid dress. Hell wear a suit it's 2023"
"Yeah wear whatever you want" John chimes in
"Yeah. Even though I'm sure you'd look hot in a dress" Chris says giving me a flirty smile. Or at least what it looks like. That or he's congested.
Rodrick rolls his eyes after giving him a dirty look then turns back to me
"You should go" he refocuses
"I don't know I'm still thinking about it" I say
"Well just make sure if you go that Mr. Ferguson doesn't catch you going to crazy" John says sipping some coke
"Ugh that guy is such a buzz kill" Rodrick chimes in
"Yeah and the way he waddles up to you" Miguel says mocking Mr.Ferguson by doing a penguin like waddle
"Naw do you guys remember when Maya slapped him last year because he took her phone" Ang chimes in
"Oh my god I do remember that! Me and Loddy were in that class when it happened" Rodrick says laughing
I didn't know he knew I was in the class. I barley talked and I sat all the way in the back seeing how in his class we had assigned seats in that class and Rodrick being the Heffley he was he had to sit in the front.
"Yeah we were" I smiled thinking about how crazy that day was.
"He did all that only for her to get a three day suspension." John says chuckling
"I mean she cocked her hand back and slapped the shit out him" Chris said bussing out laughing that caused us to laugh
This was nice. Chris and John were actually like cool and funny. No probably takes so far either. Of course this was only our first lunch sitting with them. But admittedly I'd like to sit with them again.
We talked for about 20 minutes about graduation, classes, music etc before the lunch bell rang. I learned that Chris is an oldest child to immigrants from Vietnam and that John was a twin. There cool. And every now and again id catch Rodrick starring at me. I think he just wanted to know I was having a good time. Which is kinda ... sweet.

The bell rings and everyone starts to get up to go to next period. I grab my books and get ready to go when Rodrick grabs lower arm.
"Hey so my stupid little brother is having some type of stupid gaming day with his loser friends from school so you mind if we do the 10 facts at your house?" He asks
Oh god that means he'll be actually in my house. Did I clean my room? Fuck.
"Oh yeah sure" I say casually. I mean why should I be nervous though. Based on Rodricks clothes choice it looked like he had about 3 shirts that were always balled up in a pile somewhere in his room cause sometimes he'd come to school with them wrinkled. He never smelled bad though so there's that.
"Alright see you later buddy" he says with a smile
I stick my hand out for a handshake not knowing how to end this conversation.
He pauses and looked confused then he just laughs and shakes my hand.
He grabs his pop and phone and rushes off to class
I let out a deep shy and notice I'm the only one left in the cafeteria
"Oh shit" I say and I rush off as well

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