Chapter 6

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After School

After school I drive me and Rodrick over to my house. Rodrick said he would of drove himself but his van was getting fixed. But I had no problem driving him. He sat quiet looking out the window most of the time and making small talk

I park and we head inside my house.
"And this is my home" I say taking my key out the door as Rodrick walks in.
"Nice" he says looking around
We walk in the kitchen when Rodrick says
"You know it feels good to be in the actual house than just that little part by the door" he jokes
I laugh and I drop my car keys in the bowl were i normally put my keys
He takes a seat at the island
"You want anything? A snack or maybe some juice" I say opening the fridge
"You got crème soda?" He asks
I turn to him confused by this specific request.
"Um... no" I say raising an eye brow
"What about sparkling water?" He asks
"Okay you and these specific requests are killing me"
I say leaning on the fridge door.
"Anything you have will do" he says smiling
I grab him a cold Pepsi can and walk over to the kitchen island and hand it to him along with a Snapple for me.
He snaps open the can and takes a big gulp. You can tell he's a world renowned pop drinker because I have no idea how he took a sip that big without burping or it burning a whole hole in his chest.
"Ahhh" he says sounding like one of those people in those sprite commercials.
I laugh
"So you can head upstairs if you want and I could pop us some popcorn?" I suggest
"Sweet" Rodrick says spinning around in the island chair before standing up
I hear him go up the stairs before he comes walking back down
"Which room is it again" he asks
"Oh I'm sorry, the last door on the left" I say laughing completely forgetting to tell him what room.
I watch him go upstairs all the way to my room making sure he entered the right room.
Rodrick walked into my room where he was met with so many different band posters. My genre of music ranged from outcast to glass animals. From Queen to the neighborhood. Closer to my bed pictures of me and my grandpa, baby pictures of me and a picture of Ang and I.
I also had vinyls on my wall. All along my wall towards the door. For the most part my room was clean besides the closet. My closet was always a mess. Not dirty were there was bowls and stuff everywhere just clothes.
Rodrick picked up the photo of me and ang that was on my night stand. He smiled and put it back down.
He walked to the dresser that had a collection of the rest of the vinyls that I had that couldn't fit on the wall. He walks over looking through some of the vinyls. He stops looking at the vinyls and head to the windowing looking through. Rodrick checks his phone to see a missed call from John and calls him back
"Hey dude how's it going over there" John asks in his normal cheerful voice
"Um John you do know I just got here right?" Rodrick questions
"Well then how is she so far"
"She's cool. Had no cream soda but that's no reason to bring out the guillotine" he said looking out her blinds at a quiet street


I get a bag of popcorn down when I get a call from Ang. She insisted of regular callas than FaceTiming because it's more "y2k". Whatever that means.

"Hey wassup" I semi whisper
"So how is it!?!!" She asked excitedly
"Ok Ang we've been under same for about 30 seconds and you acted like we've already dry humped"
"Like you don't want to"
"Shut up" I say rolling my eyes and grabbing a bowl
"I mean I'm just saying a lot can happen when a girl and a guy are under one roof alone" she says hinting
"Wouldn't you know. That plan b from last month settling in your stomach ok?" I say sarcastically
"Wow touché bitch" I can hear her laugh which causes me too
I hear laughing coming from upstairs
"Okay Ang I gotta go"
"Wait!" She says frantically
"Pulling out isn't an option" he bust out laughing "GIRL BYE" I hang up quickly
I pour the popcorn in the big bowl and grab two waters and head upstairs

"Well hopefully she opens up to you"
"What do you mean?"
"Well it's obviously she's totally closed off. Hopefully she comes out of her shell"
"Look besides the fact that 90 percent of my grades I'm getting her out of her shell even if I di-"
Rodrick turns around to find me with a confused look on my face
"Oh yeah grandpa bend your knees when getting the cat out of the bookshelf" he quickly hangs up
I raise an eyebrow still in confusion
"You know how grandmas can be. Always getting stuck under beds and stuff .." Rodrick awkwardly trails off the sentence
"Righttt.." I say skeptical
Rodrick gives me a grin as he heads over to grab some popcorn out the bowl
He takes a handful  and stuffs some in his mouth
He walks over to my desk taking a seat at it and I sit on my bed. I grab my notebook and my unicorn pen opening to a random blank page.
"Ok so... tell me about yourself" I ask plopping on my bed facing him
"Well what do you wanna know first?" He asks taking a backwards seat in my desk chair
"Um well, tell me about your family. Mom? Dad? Are your parents still together?" I throw out different questions
"Well, my parents aren't together. My dad and mom haven't  been together since I was like 2 and my dad and stepmom have been together since I was like 5." He says
"Oh so where's your mom?" I ask
Rodrick pauses for a sec
"Um, in another state" for some he said it like he just made it up on the spot. But I'm not gonna question it.
"Oh so you see her often then?" I ask as jot down what he's saying
"Not really" his becomes mono tone a little.
Before I can ask his volume jumps back up
"We can just skip some of the family questions" he says suddenly
"Oh" I say quietly. It was because I didn't know what to ask him if I was being honest.
"Here give me the note book" he holds out his hand for my notebook. I hand it to him and he click his pen like he was getting ready to write.
"Tell me something about YOU" he smiles widely
"What do you wanna know" I ask faintly smiling
"I don't know," he thinks for a second "What about your family? Where's your mom" he clicks his pen like he's waiting with anticipation
"Oh,well, I'm an only child. I live with my grandpa and my mom committed suicide the end of my freshman year." I say nonchalantly
Rodrick stops writing shooting a big eyed look at me.
He gave the look that most people have when I told them.
"What?" He asked voice dropping a whole octave
"I'm so sorry Loddy-"
"Yeah you don't need to do that" I awkwardly laugh
It's true. I mean I'm fine. For the most part. Aside for the part where I was the one who found her. My mom was a complicated subject to talk about even when she was alive.
"It's fine. She was never really mentally stable through my life." I explain
"Well , are you ok" he asks genuinely
"Yeah" I say. I really was
"Well we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. Hell we don't even have to put that in the project if you don't want to" he says reaching out and touching my arm
It was a little refreshing to see Rodrick so concerned and .. serious. But it was getting to deep very quickly
"Thanks, but that's not necessary. Plus the more rae the least likely people will ask any questions" I say chuckling.
He wasn't buying it
"I'm ok" I ensure him
"Alright" he says definitely not convinced
I was though. It was something I've decided not to really think about. It's better that way. For my mental sanity
It quite for a second then I blurt something random out
"Oh wait your in a band right?" I ask remembering the first time I ever heard anything about Rodrick was when people were having mix reviews about his band. Half the school and staff saying there the next beetles then the other half saying they should sue for damaged ear drums.
"Oh yeah dude. Loaded diaper! Right here baby" he says showing me a small tattoo on his forearm shaped as a diaper with an LD tatted on the middle.
"Wow... it's kinda small aint it?" I squint looking at the nearly microscopic tattoo
"Well um you know .. that's because the tattoo guy ran out of inc"
I raise an eye brow

After a couple hours we finish our 10 facts
I learned 10 things about Rodrick:

1) he's deadly afraid of spiders
2) he has two little siblings
3) the most exciting place hes been to is Germany for a class trip (what the hell type of middle school did he go to)
4) he moved to plain view in 7th grade
5) he once knocked a tooth out trying to slide down the stairs railing
6) he plans on being a musician after we graduate. If not a doctor. Yes and he was serious about that. He didn't even specify which type he just said doctor.
7) he once did 81 laps during the pacer test
8) John and Chris have been his friends since 7th grade
9) his favorite color is surprisingly yellow
10) Math class is his favorite class

After we got the facts and talked a bit I checked the time to see it was around 5:30. Not late but not really early. It was mid winter so it got dark faster though and I could already see the sun getting ready to set.
"Well I should probably get ready to head home. One of my favorite bands are getting on live to show some of there new songs. Plus I'm grounded"
"Grounded? What you do?"
"Honestly I don't know" he trails off getting lost in thought
I side eye and let out a small laugh
"Well I can take you down stairs" I say grabbing his coat that was on his bed.

Rodrick tails behind me. We reach down stairs to the front door

"Well this was nice"Rodrick says as I hand him his jackets.

"Actually it wasn't that bad"

I hear the keys Open and Its my grandfather and his girlfriend, Shirley.

"Oh hey" I greet them
"Ohh who is this handsome young man" Shirley says eyes wide, turning to Rodrick
"This is Rodrick. He's my partner for that project I was telling you about the other day" Rodrick reaches his hand out and they shake hands.
"Hello mama I'm Rodrick. Part time student full time Romeo" he says blowing her a kiss
"Oh my " Shirley blushes grabbing Rodricks arm
"And hello nice to meet you sir" Rodrick shakes my grandpas hand.
"Nice to meet you Rodrick. I'm Charles" he smiles politely
"Now Rodrick you should stay for dinner" Shirley looks over to me
My eyes widen. I gloss over to see my grandfather who doesn't seem to mind.
"Uhh I don't know" me and Rodrick says at the same time
We both tilt are head as if we both wanted to ask each other "why not".
"You know Rodrick actually says he has to go. To do that thing"
"Yeah Ms.Shirly I would love to but I don't I gotta get home for dinner. Even though I'd hate to cancel on such a pretty women"
He nudges Shirley's side
"Text time for sure" he grabs his bag and I hand him his coat and he heads out the door
"Sorry that's so embarrassing." I say knowing I'm probably blushing slightly.
"Oh it's cool. I would stay but I accidentally left some super glue on the bathroom door and now my little brothers stuck to the door and my parents are PISSED so I have to go. Catch you later Lods"
I tilt my head confused on how that could happen. But I just nod before wishing him a good night and sending him on his way.
"That wasn't bad right?"
I look up to see Shirley smirking
"What" i say eyes widening
"Nothing" turning from me and walking into the kitchen
Running up i hug her from behind
"Tell meeee"
My grandpa were putting the few groceries they had up. I sat down at the island. Shirly takes plates out for my grandpa, me and her.
She looks over to me still with a smirk on her face
"Ugh what" i say slightly rolling my eyes
"Rodricks pretty cute ..." a small smile creeps upon her upper lip
"Rodrick? What ew no" scrounging up my face. "We're just partners for this project Shirley. Nothing like that at all"
"Look i know your saying this now but who knows honey you guys just may hit it off and fall inlove. Like one of them little white teenage stories. Oh Charles what's the one we watched the other day with Loddy, To all the men I've written at?" She says looking his way and he shrugs
"Um first of all it's called To All the Boys I've Loved Before and the writer AND main character of that are Asian." I say grabbing my cup
"Oh well you know what I mean. But listen Lods, your a gorgeous girl you can have any guy you want is you try." She grabs my face."Besides darling, your eggs are not getting any younger" she finishes pouring juice in my cup. My grandpa chuckles.
They head into the living room with the pizza they ordered.
"I'm 17. IM 17!!!" I voice loudly into the living room.

A/N: heyyyy😭💀 I know y'all gone kick my ass

The Get To Know Me Project. BLACK FEM READERS !!!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن