Chapter 4

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Saturday Night

"Rodrick give it back!!!!" Greg yells to at Rodrick

They both were fighting over the last big bag of Doritos

See Saturday was when friends could sleep over. So currently Greg's friend Rowley was over but so was Rodrick's friend Chris and John.

"Give it you little turd" he says pulling on the bag as well

"Ok ok guys knock it off" Susan says coming in between the boys.

"Rodrick you and your friends ate the last bag last week"

"HA" Greg taunts

"But you Mr have had enough snacks for the day give them here" she said to Greg holding out her hand

"But mom-"

"Now" She said sternly

Greg gives her the bag and storms off. She turns around to find Rodrick with his hand out waiting for the bag of chips
"Rodrick you had the last bag" she said
"And? So?" He said confused still reaching his hand out
"Hey what did Susan say" Frank comes from around the corner
"But dad-"
"No butts, she said you ate the whole bag last time"
Rodrick looks at Susan who's looking down slightly and quiet.
"Whatever" Rodrick rolls his eyes stumps up the stairs
"Rodrick-" Susan tries call down to him but by that time he's already in his room
"Hey stump again your gonna find yourself grounded for a week" he yells up the stairs to Rodrick who's room door had already been shut
"I could of just have him the bag" she says to Frank
"Look Rodrick could be a bit of a jerk, but he's warming up to you" Frank says pulling Susan in for a hug
"Did you leave Manny's bath water running?"
"Oh right" frank runs to go turn the bath water off

Rodrick goes to his room and shuts the door
"Aye I know you hate your stepmom and all but her cookies are the best" Chris says biting into a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie.
"Aw man. You nearly ate the whole batch" Rodrick says snatching the zip loc bag the chocolate hip cookies were in. When he left to go down stairs there were 10 cookies. Now there's only two.
"Hey so we're thinking we perform here" John says leans in to show Rodrick and Chris his phone.
It was pictures of what looked like an old basement from the 60's and not one of the cool That 70's show type but more of one Norman bates would of liked
Rodrick raised his eye brow
"Why does this look like a basement" he questions
"Oh cause it is. My cousins 12th birthday party is next month and his dad is letting him have the party in the basement because his mom is gonna let his dad sleep in there room again" he smiles
Rodrick and Chris look at each other
"Awesome man" Chris says through a forced smile
"That's great but I already today you guys, until graduation I can't do any gigs"  Rodrick says as he takes a seat next to Chris.                         

"Oh is it because of that stupid end of the year project that's like a semester long?" Chris said as he downs a sprite

"See that's exactly why i'm not in any honors classes now man, The government just wants to drain us mentally so by time we're 20 we can be capitalisms personal slaves." John says waiting for us to agree.

Ignoring John Chris says "Who's your partner again?"

"Loddy Downs" He says signaling John to hand him a pop

"Ouu she's cute. Might have to take her to Wes Cove if you know what I mean" he says nudging Rodrick

Rodrick rolls his eyes and takes a sip of his pop

"Like she'd be caught dead with someone like you"
Rodrick says patting Chris back
"Aye what's her deal anyway? Honestly if her best friend didn't have a boy friend I would of thought they were dating" John says
"She's just shy I guess" Rodrick says struggling
"Well what do you think about her Rodrick?"Chris asks
Rodrick shrugs
"I don't know. We're doing the projects on our own for the most part"
"Oh wow little miss perfects breaking the rules? Rodrick you bad influence" John jokes
"First of all I only suggested it to make her comfortable" Rodrick protests
"Well look who has a crush" Chris teases
"Fuck off" Rodrick stands up and starts looking through his vinyl collection
"Look man all I'm saying is this gig could be big for us." John says downing the rest of his pop and crushing the pain
"Mhm, yeah" Rodrick says half listening. He's already made his mind up.
"Come on it's one Night in April you have time."
As John is talking he's about to put his can on Rodricks only picture of his mom. One day manny came stumbling in his room and the picture was in a frame on his night stand. Manny bumped the table and broke the frame. It took everything in Rodrick to not murder everyone in that house. And no one still to this day doesn't know how manny got all the way upstairs by himself to do that.

Rodrick finally picks up a black vinyl from the group from the neighborhood and as he's about to put the vinyl in when he sees from the corner of his eye John putting the his sticky soda fan on his picture of his mom.
"Ah dude what the hell" he says reaching across the room to grab the can that left drops on the picture
"What the fuck man this is the only picture I have of my mom" he says shaking the picture dry frantically
"My bad bro. I'm used to the coaster being there" John says sorrily
"Hey it's okay man you can always copy it again. The school has a color printer" Chris smirks, believing what he said was actually smart
Rodrick stares at both of them clearly upset.
John stands up
"Hey man it's okay, she'll be back" he pays his shoulder
Rodrick hated hearing this. For multiple reasons. Mostly because Chris and John never met her. So they have no idea what she's willing and capable of doing
"Now who wants to see Pam Allen's new implants."
John and Chris high five and sit on his Rodricks bed both looking at Johns phone.
This wasn't the first time John and or Chris has shown total disregard for Rodricks belongings. But non of those things have been as important as this one photo. The last phone he would ever get of his mom. Rodrick had other friends but Chris and John
are his best friends and yet they never gave him a safe place when it came to the matter of Rodricks mother. One because they thought it was better to let Rodrick talk about it on his own and second because they were immature mixed with the fact they couldn't relate.
Rodrick puts the photo in his desks and thinks to himself as he sees Chris and John mesmerized by boobs

I gotta get new friends"
he thinks.


I wake up to taping on the front door. I grab my phone and at read the clock

9:05 am

Who the hell is knocking this early I think to myself.

I manage to get out of bed with my fuzzy socks with pineapples on them and an oversized t-shirt with old Christmas pajama pants that I got when I was like 13 (yes there definitely flooding)

I rub my eyes and open the door
It's Rodrick.

"What the he-"
He interrupts
"Wait wait wait before you yell at me I know it's early"
He says walking into the house and I close the door behind him
"What are you doing here?"
"Okay look I know we said we'd do the project by ourselves but I think we should do the project the proper way and get to know each other" he says with a small but every loud smile
"I'm sorry what" I question completely forgetting that I'm in my pajamas until I look down for a small second
"Look I know it's sudden but the project doesn't start until Monday so technically we're all set"
I smirk
"Oh really and what if I say no. I mean you just agreed to do the project separately like two days ago" I say protesting
"I know I know. I'm sorry but fuck it Ms. Healy is right. Let's expand our minds and get to know people." He says in a high tone as he grabs my shoulders
I'm to tired and confused for my heart to start skipping a beat
He can't make me though.
"And what if I still say no" I protest
He sighs
"I was preparing for you to say that"
Rodrick the pulls out his phone from his back pocket and hands me his phone
It was recording. He was recording me.
"Now I can't make you. But Ms.Healy definitely will"
I look at him quite annoyed
The phone is still in my hand and he stops recording.
"Look just give me a chance to surprise you. We might have more in common than you think" he says. Small smile growing wider
He's so pretty when he smiles. God stop thinking about that.
I look down at the phone.
And at Rodricks hand who's now reaching out for me to shake
I pause for a second then think
"Do I have a choice?"
He smiles wider and we shake on it
"Cool! See you later kid" he says roughing up my hair like I'm a little white kid going off to little league and heads to the door
"Oh and Loddy" he stops right at the door
"Yes Rodrick?" I sigh
"I like your socks. I had the same ones" he says smiling and starts walking outside
I smile a tad and close the door behind me. I put my back to the door but before I could register anything that happens I hear another knock.
It's Rodrick again
"Hey you still have my phone"
I didn't even realize
"Omg I'm so sorry" I say and give him his phone
"Okay bye loddy" He says clearly embarrassed even though I'm the one embarrassed again
I lock the door behind me and put my back again the door semi panicking.
I'm about to have to spend so much time with Rodrick one on one.. fuck.
My grandpa comes out the kitchen with a cup of coffee
"Who was that honey?" He asks
I sigh and answer honestly
"A guy your about to be seeing a lot grandpa" i say plainly
He laughs and we head to the kitchen

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