Chapter 3

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It was the end of the day. It was my AP English 12 class. This was another class I had with Rodrick but luckily I had it with my best friend Angie.

I sit next next to Ang sitting my books on the side of me.

"Hey Girlie" says to me putting her phone away.

"hey babes" I say smiling.

I look over to my teacher Ms.Healy. Ms.Healy was colorful to say the least.She had long thick curly hair. She wore bright colors always. dressing like a hippie in even the most frigid of weather with her long skirts with even longer boots. I knew it took her an hour to get through TSA with all the necklaces and rings she'd wear. But I liked her. See even though you can tell she's clearly spiritual she wasn't all sugar and nice like you'd expect. She told the truth and I respected that. She was honest and she also had a good sense of humor.Like the type to give the classes biggest ass kisser Darla the type of day or the low-key smart but wants the easy way out football player. Yeah, I liked Ms.Healy.

The bell rings and everyone heads to their seats.

"Alright class today is the introduction to your end of senior year project. This project is worth 300 points. And if you don't do it you'll more than likely fail my class causing you not to graduate." She erases the white board.

A classmate raises their hand.

"And no Millie there is no extra credit" she says still turned to the white board

She puts her hand down slowly

Damn, nothing could keep me from doing this project, I have straight A's I thought.

"And this project is called.." she writes the project name on the board and steps out the way so the class can read it.

THE GET TO KNOW ME PROJECT the board reads.

But before anyone could come ask any questions, Rodrick comes busting in the door, 3 minutes late as usual.

"Uh I was-

"Yeah get to your seat Heffley-" She interrupts him before he could lie.

He smiles awkwardly and walks to his seat. He passes me and Angies desks and as he passes Ang makes kisses noises and I nudge her while playfully roll my eyes.
"Ok guys so Remember you had to do a personality test in Chemistry?" She says pulling a stack of papers out of her desk.
In unison the class shakes there head and some people vocally say yes.
If you had AP Chem you automatically had AP English 12. They made the AP English kids take one AP stem class for some reason.

Ms.Healy start passing papers out, but not in rows, she's doing it one by one meaning whatever was on the paper was for that specific individual. She goes to one students desk and puts the sheet of paper face down then walks to the other side of the classroom and does the same thing to another student.

"Now i'm sure you guys have noticed that im putting these papers face down, so that means no flipping it until I say so ok?" she says still passing papers out. She gives Ang her paper then walks over to Rodrick desk. I was one of the last people to get a paper and when Ms.Healy was done she went to her desk and leaned against it.

"Ok before you turn the paper I gave you over let me explain your project. So the end of the project is due a week before graduation. The project is about getting to know people and forming a friendship with a person you'd never expect you could have a connection with. See you guys are one foot out the door. Your becoming adults. So in this world you need to learn how to connect and understand people with different backgrounds and different interest of your own.
"Why can't we just get tinder if we wanna do that" a guy in the back says aloud and the class laughs.
"Cause there In fear that they'll match with your Dad" Ms.Healy claps back. We all laugh
"You won't always have time for your friends, in fact most of you during the fall will move far away from them."
Me and Ang look at each other and make puppy dog faces. See she was going to this fancy art school all the way in Paris. Like ... Paris France y'all. And I was going to Columbia In New York.
"Alright guys flip the papers over"
I flip mine over, lowkey eagerly because everyone in this class for the most part I was at Lester on an acquaintance level with.
I flip it over....
No ..
In bold black Times New Roman font I see the name. It was Rodrick.
No I think to myself
I flip my paper over and turn it again as if the name was going to change.
I rub my eyes so hard I look like a child that just woke up from a nap. And there it still is.

The Get To Know Me Project. BLACK FEM READERS !!!!Where stories live. Discover now