💫 quattuor 💫

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updated a lil early bc I'm very busy this weekend 😭 enjoy :)

        If one were to describe Jimin as a child they would use words synonymous with happy:

Radiant, untroubled, joyful, beaming etc.

If someone tried to describe him as a teenager they would use any antonym of obedient:

Reckless, unruly, tempestuous.

You could chalk it up to hormones and think nothing of it. You could say that it's natural when on a journey to become oneself it's almost mandatory to rebel and offend anyone's perception of you.

You could say it's normal that your parents have pulled their hair out so many times trying to fit you into the model of a prince. The perfect prince in fact. A revered model of the monarchy, meant to lead their generation into glory.

If anyone had to describe Jimin as an adult they would pause.

The prince had been locked away for many years. Kept under constant supervision, training at all hours and studying the history of his people to fit that mold.

"Raise your arms." Even now as his handmaiden gets him ready for the banquet, he feels he needs to uphold an image. She slides the corset over his body and tightens the strings.

Pulling tighter and tighter.

"Is that too tight my prince?"

Yes. "No Mina, it's perfect thank you." A small smile of gratitude meets his lips as he bows. Looking back at the mirror, he knows how pale he looks. It's almost surprising how no one has picked up on the signs.

If Jimin were to describe himself he wouldn't even know where to begin.

Frustrated? Angry? Tired?



"You are always so kind my prince." Mina keeps her head low, bowing to show her respect. Even if she seemed genuine, the compliment does nothing to appease his inner turmoil.

He briefly wonders how the other servents would describe him.

How would his fathers see him?

"Perfect as always Mina. You are dismissed." As the old lady walks out he thinks about how sweet she has been all his life. He hopes she won't worry too much when he's gone.

Jimin uses every last bit of effort that night to give his fathers the best dinner. He wants their memory to hold a smiling Jimin. One that shines like he used to, one that used to laugh with his entire body, almost falling over at times. Selfishly he wanted these memories as well because he knows how angry they'll be when they find out that he's leaving.

Dinner was bountiful, drinks all around to make everyone cheerful. Both of his fathers had shown a rare appearance as they are usually tied down with their duties. Jimin could only look around the table teary eyed as he saw how happy his family was. Yoongi, across from him, giggling over something his mother said, while his other two mothers were feeding each other food. Taemin, next to him, was enthusiastically eating his food and contributing to the conversation. Even extended family and diplomats arrived for the evening yet not one of them engaged with Jimin.

Taemin was the royal advisor that had been the only one involved in the plan from the beginning. He could sense Jimin's inner conflict and held his hand tentatively beneath the table. He gave a nod and a slight squeeze before resuming his story to the guests.

Jimin had heard this story a thousand times already and he had started to tune him out as his eyes rested on Yoongi.

Yoongi used his fork to move around the remaining food on his plate. He had also grown tired of these stories but Jimin suspected it more so had to do with the storyteller. They locked eyes across the table and Yoongi glanced at Taemin before rolling his eyes at Jimin.

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