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        The camping trip was something that the two boys had been planning to go on for weeks. Everything was packed, trail routed and sprays bought so they could enjoy a weekend together. All throughout the drive to the national park, both men were excited, singing and jumping in their seats to whatever was on the radio. They hadn't hung out together in so long but when they did, it was like the pieces fit. They were comfortable with one another, almost like brothers you could say.

Hoseok didn't take long to park as barely anyone knew about this place. They loved the trees and the views so much, they made it their mission to come here at least once a year. It was early fall, hints of vibrant colors peaking through the leaves on trees and bushes. The wind nipped at their cheeks signaling an even even deeper drop in temperature later tonight. "I heard that it's going to be a full moon! And of course with the clear forecast, there will be plenty of stars for us to see tonight." Jungkook warmed at the thought of their tradition to share a couple of blankets and watch the stars while talking about each other's deepest secrets.

"As long as you don't get too existential on me."

The older man scoffed, rolling his eyes before he hoisted his duffle bag on his shoulder. "You like it when we do that! You might even tear up this time, thinking you'll never love someone more than you love your damn planets."

It was Jungkook's turn to roll his eyes, accommodating his camo backpack on his shoulders. "I'm not in love with them, they are certainly pretty in their own unique way but..." Jungkook ponders his years studying astrology only to come up with a non scientific answer. "The moon just shines the brightest."

The brunette thought back to his eighth birthday. He wasn't a very sociable kid so it wasn't a surprise that out of all 20 classmates he invited, only Hoseok and Jin could come. And neither were from his grade either, they were persuaded to come because they were all family friends. As upset as eight year old Jungkook was, it didn't deter his father from making it the most memorable date. The day he received his first telescope.

It wasn't a simple thing from a father to his son. It held wishes, promises and expectations all wrapped up in a little bow. Jungkook wondered what emotions lay past those peering eyes when his father told him they would spend hours together at night, naming everything the eye could see. In truth, they did. They started out looking at the faint specks in the sky every night, naming all stars and galaxies. Slowly it progressed to every other day, week then month. It was inevitable he supposed, Jungkook was barely finding time for himself these days.

"Jungkook?" Hoseok pulled him out of his train of thought, noticing the sudden change in mood. Both men were suddenly at the common bench area for hikers, resting their equipment. "Are... you okay?"

The younger nodded, transfixed on chewing his lower lip. "Yeah I'm fine. Let's hike, find the overlook, set up camp and eat." The change in mood worried the raven haired but he decided to change it as best he could. After all, that's what older siblings do.

"Any plan with food is a good plan!" Jungkook chuckled, bumping their shoulders together. Both men wanted a challenge this time around, choosing the hardest trail with the steepest slopes. It took the whole day for them to hike up to the viewpoint and they were exhausted.

It wasn't in vain as the valley below them was as beautiful as ever. Hues of pink and purple mixed with the yellow rays of sunshine, it made both of them smile.

"Beef or chicken?" The younger snapped his neck in surprise, chuckling because he knew meat was always Hoseok's number one priority.

"Couldn't you just enjoy one moment without food to enjoy the fruits of our labor? The sunset is so beautiful at this time of year, it really brings out the colors of fall."

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