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Happy Jimtober 😈

        Jungkook has never believed in magic.

Since his father is a cryptographer and his mother a physicist, it only made sense that his life was constantly surrounded by reason. Logic, order and discipline were the fundamentals of his household and he learned to become extremely successful due to it. Jungkook was number one in all of his classes, president of the 'Shoot For the Stars' Club and he finished high school with a 4.0 GPA. It wasn't surprising that his records for the university were similar, double majoring in Physics and Astronomy. Jungkook was an intellectual for his generation, and no one could deny him that. He worked hard to be where he is today, at NASA working as a planetary scientist.

Being one of the highly credible employees, everyone goes to the young 25 year old for any help whatsoever. "Jungkookkk! My little handsome boy, baby helper!"

The brunette groaned in annoyance, trying- and failing- to hide his face behind the computer. It didn't stop his coworker Hoseok from barging into his office and taking a seat at the edge of the desk.

There was a skip to his step, a bright smile that could make anyone subconsciously mimic his facial expression. "How are you my cute little bunny?"

However Jungkook knew the slight change in his friend's voice, Hoseok wanted something. "What do you want?"

The bright smile dropped, switching out in favor of a surprised expression and then back to a sly grin. "You're too smart for your own good Kookie, but I'm glad you asked. I need your help with something." His hands clasped in front of him as if in prayer, accompanied with the puppy eyes and slight pout.

"I told you not to call me that, I hate that name." Jungkook rolled his eyes, ignoring his coworker in order to finish his research. The younger had already been working on this assignment for weeks now and was eager to finish so he could get back home and snuggle in between a mountain of blankets.

"Yeah, yeah, you think that I'm gonna listen to your 'I'm an adult now' crap? We've been friends since birth you'll always be my little Kookie." The raven haired stood up to stand behind the younger and give him the strongest of back hugs. "I just need your help for this one little thing that is confusing me and I'll be on my way."

Jungkook checked the time on his computer before sighing in defeat. "I like Jin hyung better than you."

"I love you too!" And with that, the grumpy brunette followed one of his best friends out of the door and down the hallway to one of the control rooms.

Hoseok and Jungkook have been close for the majority of their lives, constantly bickering as good friends do and neither of them would have it any other way. While Jungkook ventured off into the calculations of the planets, their orbital patterns and climates, Hoseok chose a different approach. Mr. Jung Hoseok was in charge of mission control. Unfortunately, everything you see in the movies is fake with all of the machinery in one gigantic control room. Instead, there are multiple smaller rooms, each designed with the advanced components to control the rocketships.

Jungkook envied him. Early on, Hoseok realized that he wanted to be right in the middle of all the action with astronauts without as much of the danger. People depended their lives on the 28 year old, trusting him entirely.

Jungkook never had the courage. He was the type to stuff his nose in a book and learn about new technologies and theories instead of putting himself out there and create some himself. Which is why he was so confused as to why his friend was bringing him to the control room when the younger had limited expertise in Hoseok's line of work. "In here!" The raven haired whisper/shouted while waving Jungkook over to his personalized computer.

"Why are you whispering? What's going on here?"

"Shush!" Hoseok pulled his friend down until they were both crouching and unseen from their peers. They hid behind the chairs, eavesdropping on the conversation between the men in front of the 2 story screen.

"... as if it wasn't a part of our orbit." The taller man who was crossing his arms reached out to point at the diagrams and calculations. "It's been changing course, getting closer. Who knows what that would do to us?"

The second man nodded, in deep thought before answering. "The vibrations it emits is changing as well. It's only a matter of time before-"

Hoseok fell from his poised, crouched position and onto his butt, letting out a squeak in pain. "Who's there?"

Both boys' eyes widened, hoping the other two men wouldn't hear them quietly crawl out of the room. Once outside they make a break for it, running to the nearest bathroom and panting in their newfound safe haven. "Hoseok what the fuck was that about?" Jungkook was beyond furious. He was under the impression that all his friend needed was some advice on statistics and information on interplanetary operations, not to reenact a scene from mission impossible.

"I..." His hand combed the black locks off of his forehead only to fall once again when he leans against the sink. "I was- I was only doing a standard routine check for the next trip I promise! I just... oh no." His face scrunched up in worry only to fall into his palms. "I found something weird with the moon's behavior and when I brought it up to my supervisor, he said that he would take a look at it in private." The shorter started hyperventilating, hugging himself tight as his eyes squeezed shut. "I wasn't supposed to be there for that talk! I was supposed to step out but I couldn't help myself, I needed to know and now we know too much-"

"Hoseok! Calm down okay?" The taller reached out, both hands with a tight grip on his friend's shoulders. "We don't even know what we know, I barely remember now." Hoseok bit his bottom lip, his eyebrows scrunched up in the middle with a questionable gaze. "We'll be alright. Nothing to worry about. Let's focus on what we will deal with right now. In an hour we'll be done with work and get to go home. Tomorrow we have our camping trip. Won't that be fun? We haven't gone out in forever!"

Despite the worries held on the tip of his tongue Hoseok nodded, leaning his head on Jungkook's shoulder so his friend could embrace him. "Yeah... it'll be fun."

"Now let's go back to work yeah?" Jungkook rubbed his hand up and down Hoseok's back in a soothing circular rhythm. He knew that's exactly how his friend liked to calm down, regardless of how childish he claims it is, Hoseok will always love the parental ministration. "They don't even know it was us. Just one more hour okay?"

"Yeah... One more hour."

First chapter! Thoughts? Predictions?

You guys wanna hear something funny... I've had this story in my drafts since 2018 and since then our baby Jimi has gotten moon tattoos 💀💀💀

am i.. a god???

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