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GUYS! I am so sorry to drop off the face of the earth but school has been kicking my ass lately 😭 pls accept this 2X long chapter as an apology 🤲

        Jimin had always been fascinated with Earth. The music, the lights, the people. His favorite thing to do was to pick a different city every night and watch over it with a tenderness he never placed elsewhere. To watch humans interact over all those centuries happened to be his absolute favorite pastime.

You see, Jimin is quite the romantic.

He couldn't help watching as they all laughed, cuddled, kissed and held each other under the moonlight. He couldn't help but yearn for something like that to happen to him.

His fathers had sheltered him for the first 300 years or so in the hopes of perfecting his heir. There was no time for any romances to bloom when the kingdom was on the line. It was only within the past two decades that one of the kings had tried setting him up with suitors.

Oh how incredibly tedious they were. If it wasn't the lack of interests that made Jimin steer clear of them, it was the lack of wit. Was it so hard to find someone with whom he could have playful banter? A volley of words? A healthy repartee? And if they weren't mediocre of course they had to be the most pompous princes the universe could offer.

It was excruciating to say the least.

Jimin had only been on earth for a short amount of time but his heart grew with fondness for it's people. Hoseok, for one, is the type of person that makes you feel like home.

It was so easy to fall into a rhythm with the older. His little noises as he packed the camping gear, folded the clothes and even when he bopped Jungkook's nose. His little dance when he had the first bite of breakfast in the morning and the shower of praises that immediately followed because of Jimin's average cooking. It was easy, so so easy for Hoseok to set up camp in Jimin's heart. He briefly thinks that him and Yoongi would be the best of friends.

Jungkook however was the opposite. While Hoseok was expressive with his movements, Jungkook had the tendency to fall silent when he concentrates. If anything a slight hum as he rolled his sleeping bag, another sigh in delight as he ate breakfast. The younger loved to stay close-by, leaning his head on Hoseok or placing his chin on his shoulders. One could say his actions spoke louder than his words. If Hoseok was his home then Jungkook was his heart.

It's hard to collect his thoughts about Jungkook. The younger is shy, incredibly endearing and contemplative in all of his mannerisms. It seems like every conversation that Jimin attempts results in Jungkook effectively blushing and providing mono syllabic responses.

Jimin understands the reaction completely. His heart might burst everytime he's near. It's an entirely new feeling, almost as if he'll faint if he doesn't tell someone. But how could he? Who knows what the customs are in this land? How could he accurately portray the thumping in his chest whenever Jungkook smiles at a bird or a squirrel or a flower? Or the way he makes sure to point out a bug on the floor so as to avoid crushing it? Or even when he brings up that 'wombats are cubed shaped to prevent them from rolling away'?

Jimin never expected to feel such an attachment for a stranger, especially not so quickly. He knew his feelings would only get worse once Jungkook held his hand to help him down a bigger rock. Jungkook treated him with such a kindness that Jimin usually received from others that knew of his title. It was nice to get to know these two without feeling the pressure of the royal family.

So far he learned that they met at their job six years ago and became inseparable since. Jungkook teased Hoseok about his crush on someone in the office. Anytime Jungkook said the word 'Taehyung' the older smiled and showed his beautiful dimples. Jimin doesn't know anything about their coworker but he hopes they get together soon. Hoseok made sure to bring up how single the younger is, and that he thinks Jungkook would benefit greatly from a 'cute and small boyfriend'. Jungkook hid his face with his hands and responded with a nervous chuckle. That was all that was said on the topic but Jimin wishes he could've heard more.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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