My Origin

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(Sorry if this beginning part is slow and lame asf this is my first fanfic so :D )

                              IZUKU MIDORIYA

My father never reached the understanding that I am in fact his small helpless son. By the age of six, my father's markings were showing all over my body due to anger towards my frail, quirkless body. At that time I always thought it was my fault and as a result, I became as quiet as a mouse and grew tense every time he was in my presence. I developed selective mutism because my father didn't like when I spoke to him. He'd say, "servants are better when they can't speak". If only he knew I'd sneak into the bathroom sit in front of a mirror and practice pronunciation and facial expression so when other curious adults wondered why I was covered in bruises I would smile and say, "I fell". Even though I didn't have the right to leave my house I was only preparing for the officers that would show up at the door, one time there was a homeless-looking raven-haired man who interviewed my dad he was nice, and he smiled at me before he left. However, he did mention that the neighbors heard screams coming from our home in the middle of the night. Those screams came from my mom, I never knew what he did to her but she wouldn't be able to walk I'd have to feed her every morning before getting tied down. I'd cry with her in the other room because I knew I was next. My father would always threaten me that if he saw me move an inch on the cameras he'd come home and kill me but I knew we didn't have cameras he was just trying to scare me. I was embedded into his lies until I grew hungry one day and escaped the tight ropes that left deep red rashes and fled to the kitchen to scarf down on something and as a result, nothing happened. I felt so alive every time I snuck into my room! The walls in the living room were a horrid red that freaked me out and made me gag, it was an artistic sin. I wasn't allowed anywhere but the living room when my father was away. He'd tie me down to the coffee table in front of the couch, starting from 6:30 am when he left and 7:45 pm when he came back.

My mother wasn't any better, she was blinded by fear and didn't comfort me or protect me against my so-called father. It's like she was struck by lightning and didn't come out of her room unless my father said so. I didn't blame her- I wish I did but I didn't.

I mean...I wish I could hide in my room when my father came home too.

On days where she wailed louder than others, she'd come to sit right next to me, and instead of untying me she'd whisper praises about my father into my ear things like my father is the chosen one who would set us free from this hell we call earth. I'd silently cry as she did, I lost my hope in the person who was supposed to love me the most. The woman who brought me here gave me to the devil of a father in an exchange for her life.

Every time I escaped the living room, I did it at a specific time. That's when I got to see him, my friend. Every day at 3:05 pm I'd go to my bedroom window and search for blonde spikey hair and ruby eyes. His stride of confidence down the street gave me hope that someday I could be walking right next to him. Maybe someday I'd get to talk to him and hear his voice for the first time. 

The first time I saw this boy march outside my window he was carrying two figurines one colored in bright blue, red, and gold while the other was dressed in a familiar all-black with a grey scarf. The blonde boy was twirling, the figurines in the air and his arms stretching towards the sky. He was my source of entertainment for the day I was able to feel things I never felt before. This went on for years until one day his eyes finally met mine, my heart raced as he gave me a silly grin and a wave with his hand. Ever since then he'd continue to look at me through my window. I'd sometimes see him standing there as if he was waiting for me to see him.

My happiness through the window was taken away when my father came home from work early.

Ruby was being extra silly today his hips shook side to side while his arms were all over the place. His lips were moving as if he were reciting a song and his eyes were shut tight, his whole heart was into this. My arms are rested against the windowsill while my eyes follow ruby's movements. He was radiating so much joy I couldn't help but smile at his goofiness. I wish I was dancing with him.

Maybe if I died and reincarnated in time I'd have a better life and find him, on the same sidewalk, singing whatever song his heart desired. I wouldn't dare leave him though I have a feeling that I'm also something he looks forward to every day. I was deep in thought until I heard the front door slam open I tensed up and quickly read the time father shouldn't be here its too early! I'm not in my spot! I'm not supposed to be here!

It was dead silent and my blood ran cold.

My heart was in my throat.

All I could hear was my father's footsteps toward my room and a ringing sound that later faded everything out. I blinked and his tall muscular build was in front of me, mouth wide open, shouting. I could not hear a thing. His right arm was raised high and struck down on me until I was utterly unconscious.

I hope I wake up to see you again my hope, my friend, my Ruby.

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