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(okay guys I kept rereading the first chapter and it is shit hopefully as I continue this story it will improve?)

Waking up with rays of light peeking through my eyelids. A beeping sound continues in my ear which takes me a minute to adjust to. More woke, I feel a presence at my bed side. Resting on my hand, I shift to see blonde spikey hair. He's napping at my side so close to me, reaching out to touch his hair a soft sensation tickles my palm. Overjoyed at his presence, tears flood down my face from the shock of seeing Ruby. The beeping increases in pace and Ruby starts to stir awake.
Now face to face.

"Hey, are you okay?" a deep steady voice asks. He sounds so inviting and familiar.
I long for him.

"I-I'm" unsteady, my voice shakes in a raspy tone. Ruby gets up to bring me water which I gulp down instantly. "Uhm, you were out for two days and you have a sore throat" he informs, looking down at my hands I nod. "You know I Uhm I saw what he did to you...I was the one who called the police after I beat up your dad for myself." His hand slowly raises to touch my head,  brushing his fingers through my long curls with a small gentle smile but concerned eyes.

I couldn't hold myself back any longer I reached for him and gave him a tight hug. After a few minutes of me sobbing into his shoulder, he pulls me out of the hug and wiped my tears. "Shh, it's okay Izuku I'm right here." giving him a weak smile, I asked how he knew my name.

"Well, the hospital told me."

"It's actually weird because it feels like I've known you for a long time but I don't even know your name" he let out a small chuckle and I couldn't help but blush at how deep his voice went.

"I'm Bakugo Katsuki," He said with confidence in his tone and pride in his eyes.

I smiled.

"okay kacchan- I MEAN KATSKUI!!!" I was choking on my dried throat gasping for air. Bakugo grinned at me and told me to keep his new nickname since I gave it to him.

After that visiting hours were over and kacchan had to go home. He began to walk out of the room and I followed after.

"Izuku you can't leave yet your injuries need to heal"

"But I want to go with you. Why can't I follow you? Aren't you taking me?"

Kacchan looked down and shook his head. "No you can't come with me right now but I'll visit every day after school. The same time I saw you through the window." when he said that I cringed a little. I don't want to remember the times when I only got to look at him and not be near him. But I had to watch him leave and there I sat on the hospital bed fixated on the wall a tear rolled down my face.

The next day I woke up to the sound of snoring. The air smelled of cleaning products which tickled my nose and I let out a loud sneeze

someone stirred awake in a chair on the left side of the room.

It's the homeless-looking raven-haired man!

"Hello Izuku," he says with exhaustion lingering in his voice. Noticing the man next to him, there sat a long blonde-haired man with a maintained mustache and striking glasses. They both looked silly sitting next to each other. I giggled at their helpless appearance, opposites really do attract.

"Hello-uhm" I hesitate since I don't know their names.

"what's your name?" I ask in a small whisper.

"I'm Shota Aizawa and this is Hizashi Yamada. We're going to be your new guardians" I stare in confusion they wanted to take me in?

But I wanted to go with kacchan

I didn't know these people.

a sharp no escaped my lips

I got up from the bed and sprinted out of the room. I went all the way to the bathroom and bumped into someone. I apologized quickly and locked myself into a stall. I wasn't able to contact kacchan since the phones were at the front desk. I grabbed my hair and tugged on it hoping these negative thoughts of being kidnapped would be pulled away. Aizawa was a kind man I didn't have a reason not to trust him he even listened to the concerns of my neighbors and decided to investigate. But he didn't help me he just smiled and left. I remembered so vividly what happened after he left, I was beaten until early morning. For some reason no one ever called to investigate my cries and shouts of suffering.

"erm, hey, are you okay in there?" a boy asked with hesitation.

He didn't leave even after I didn't give him a response. He started knocking on the door until I decided to speak up.

I have an idea.

"no I'm not okay. I'm upset with the way that I look do you think you can help me?"

"oh yeah my name is Shinso Aizawa. I can help, what do you need?"

"Can you get me some clothes and scissors?"

"What do you need the scissors for?"

"oh I was just going to stab you when I finished changing" trying to give my best sarcastic tone.

I heard feet shuffling and a chuckle escape from the boy.

"haha...yeah I'll go get them for you"

I'm glad he didn't take me seriously

It took him five minutes to get the things that I asked. He swifly passed them through the bottom of the stall and left saying how excited he is
to meet someone. I didn't think too much about it and decided to move fast. I got out of the stall and locked the bathroom door. Sripping out of my hospital gown and putting on the sweatpants and hoodie Shinso gave me, they were pretty soft and warm I'll give him points for that. Grabbing the scissors I cut off my long curls until it was short. Looking in the mirror I was satisfied with my new look. It gave me a bit of confidence something I never had but Kacchan did.

Walking out of the bathroom hood up and everything I honestly felt a little mischeivious. I added a hop in my step eager to see him. Passing by the room I was once in I can hear Shinso inside talking to Aizawa "So where is he? I thought you said he was awake?" before I could hear anymore of that conversation I was out the door.

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