Season 1 Info

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Name: Eliana Rhee little sister to Glenn Rhee. Keep in mind I know Eli is pronounce ( Eli ) but just read it as (Ellie) since where I'm from, that is how it's spelled. (season 1 she is 21)

Pre Apocalypse:

Eliana is very intelligent and very ambitious and was studying to become a doctor. Eliana is a very trusted girl as she herself has great judgment and is good at making quick decisions that all can agree on. She though is very shy and not so confident about herself but tries to hide it. She also as a hard time understanding emotions as for a long time, she's been robotic all her life. 

Her and Glenn's relationship is very strong and she and him always stick together. Glenn is very overprotective of Eliana (even more during the apocalypse.) Glenn adores Eliana but has his moments of jealousy and hatred with her as she was their parent's favorite since she was to become a doctor while he was a pizza delivery boy. 

Eliana and Glenn's parents were quiet strict and had high expectations for both  but turns out Eliana was able to reach it unlike Glenn. Even though her parents adored her, she hated the way her life was always needing her parent's love and acceptance to the point she was just a mindless robot trying to hit age 80 with a billion dollars and a mansion and die. Thankfully the one thing that kept her a bit sane was her dancing, specifically ballet.

Eliana was able to dance ballet as that was her way of letting everything out, the outfit, the makeup, the music, the lights, and the stage made her feel free. But sadly it wasn't enough to let her feel as once it was over, it was over and she'd have to wait till her classes came back. 

Glenn though would always try to sneak in to have fun with Eliana and to make her feel alive which he was able to do only to watch her get destroyed by their parents going back to square one. Soon Glenn decided to move to Atalanta bringing Eliana as he wanted Eliana to be a real teenager and not stuck in their parent's hands making the siblings be strongly attached and were together majority of the time.

This helped her but she had a hard time finding joy in anything except school as that is what she is used to. Glenn then started helping her be her own person. Eliana continued her medical school as she was pretty much into it but soon started teaching herself throwing knives, shooting a gun, and learned to do drawing and dancing ballet again which she soon loved all. 

But overall their love and care as siblings will always be there.

(Keep in mind some of Eli's interests is just for character ideas and just some small informations about her, those things won't be important to the stories) 

Post apocalypse:

Eliana was at a medical school studying till she looked outside the class window to see a student eating a student of her's which turned out to be her best friend. She thought it was some sort of sick prank only to see teachers and students freaking out. The school was suddenly on lockdown and parents were called to get their kids. 

As everyone at school was panicking Eliana rushed at the back of the school's track road and baseball court to find many of those monsters everywhere of students, teachers, parents, and others all walking to her. She soon found a baseball bat close by and swung at them getting her first 2 kills.

Realizing what she did made her get out of there trying to find a way out. As she rushed to the entrance of her school, her brother Glenn was there to get her as he heard the news and the call from the school. She then hoped on Glenn's delivery motorcycle, drove off home to get their things. 

As they made it home, Glenn got all their things, food, water, weapons, first aid, clothes and more then rushed off to find somewhere they can call home. The one thing she brought with her from home.... was photos of her favorite memories and her knives. 

The two went everywhere to find shelter and was found by T-dog who helped them and let them join the campsite of survivors in the outskirts of Atlanta .  The two were hit with depression as they had no clue where or what happened to their parents and friends. But as they stayed at the campsite they soon forgot about them as they had a new family in front of them. 

Eliana was mostly close with Carl, Jacqui, Andrea, Amy, Carol, Sophia and Lori as the rest she didn't trust so much. Let alone the two except Carl, Amy, Carol and Sophia was her team as she and Glenn became Supply runners. Shane was hard to be around. Merle she despised, Daryl she was okay with as they both rarely talk since he always hunts, but they had their nice talks together. Dale she respected as he treated her like a daughter, and Ed she hated and the rest she was fine with.

Eliana Rhee Played By: 

Go Min-si

Start: October 1st 2022

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Start: October 1st 2022

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