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Eliana Pov: 

It was the next day and I was still in quarantine but I felt a little better. So far I haven't cough or felt hot this morning. As I was just lost in my mind I heard many footsteps running towards my direction making me sit up. 

"Eliana! Eliana!" I heard Rick's voice echoing through the halls and heard multiple footsteps and saw Tyreese, Daryl, Carol with Rick all looking at me from worry to relief. "What's going on?" I asked confused as I then walked over to them.

"Eliana last night did you hear or see anything odd?" Rick asked me confusing me. "No... Not really." I said not hearing anything last night. "So you heard or smelled nothing?" Rick asked me again. "Well, last night I did smell some burning of flesh but I just thought you guys were burning the bodies." I said confused.

"How do you feel right now?" Carol asked me. "I feel fine, I haven't coughed this morning." I said making Daryl touch my forehead through the bars. "She's fine." He said as Rick then unlocked the cell door letting me out.

 "Follow me." Rick said as I followed four of them outside of prison. "What's going on?" I asked the group. "Karen and David..." Daryl said to me as those two were also the first two to get sick like me.  As we exited the prison I noticed two blood paths leading to a door outside making me walk there.

 I soon turned to see what was the issue and saw two burnt up bodies lying on the ground, with steam still coming out of their bodies

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 I soon turned to see what was the issue and saw two burnt up bodies lying on the ground, with steam still coming out of their bodies. Both were black, burnt to a crisp, skin gone, muscles burnt, hair gone, everything gone to the point you can see their bones and skull. "Oh my God..." I said covering my mouth at seeing the two. "These two were the others who were sick like you... That's why I-- we were worried." Daryl said to me.

"You're a cop. You find out who did this and you bring 'em to me. You understand? You bring 'em to me!" Tyreese said angrily at Rick. "Do I need to say it again!?" Tyreese asked again. "No, no... I know what you're feeling. I've been there. You saw me there. It's dangerous." Rick said trying to calm him down.

 "Karen didn't deserve this! David didn't deserve it. What if Eliana was found and ended up like them!?" Tyreese asked Rick. "All right, man, let's--" "Man I ain't going nowhere till I find out who did this!" Tyreese yelled pushing Daryl off of him pinning him to a wall. Rick, Carol and I all rushed over to help Daryl but he held up his hand stoping us. 

"We're on the same side, man." Daryl said looking  Tyreese. "Hey, look, I know what you're going through. We've all lost someone. We know what you're going through right now, but you've got to calm down." Rick said to Tyreese and touched his back but Tyreese pushed Rick and tried to attack him but Carol and I were able to block the two. 

"Enough!" I said to Tyreese. "She wouldn't want you being like this." Rick said to him making him punch Rick in the face. "Stop!" Carol yelled but then Tyreese then punched again at Rick making me push in back and placed my knife on his neck. 

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