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jisung left the brown haired boy standing there in shocked and walked to his geography class. he entered the room and dropped his bag by his seat sitting down quickly. the teacher looked up and spoke, "excuse me sir, please take off your hat"

"it's not going to kill anyone?" he rolled his eyes and took his books out of his bag, "yes i understand, but it is part of the school rules. you chose to come to this school so you have to follow them, do you understand?"

"i didn't even want to go to this fucking school", he muttered under his breath. "what was that?" "yeah, i'll take it off" he removed his hat and shook his fluffy black and blue hair. "see that wasn't so difficult" she smiled at the younger and began typing on her computer.

as she was about to take attendance, felix ran into the classroom and sat next to jisung. "sorry i'm late miss, i had to help my english teacher with something" he apologised. "no problem yongbok, just get a note next time" he nodded and replied, "yes i will and it's just 'felix' miss" he repositioned himself in his seat.

"heyyy", he smiled to the older. jisung looked at the younger and looked away laying his head down on the table. a few minutes later, felix poked the older's arm and whispered, "is your name jisung?" he said pointing at jisung's note book on the table.

he raised his head and replied "no" turning the book over. "what's your name?"

"none of your business, yongbok" felix gasped, "how do you know my name? and it's not yongbok, it's just felix... i don't like being called that" he pouted.

"and i don't like people but here we are" "you should socialise more jisungie, it's good for you" the older moved his chair away from felix, "don't call me that" he put his hoodie over his head and went to sleep.

end of class:

"jisungie... wake up, the lesson is over now" the younger hit jisung's arm forcing him to wake up from his sleep. there was no one else in the classroom but the two of them. jisung ignored felix's voice and kept his eyes closed. "sungie, you are going to get into trouble wake uppp" felix whined. jisung lifted his head up, blinking quickly whilst his eyes adjusted to the light.

"good boy, oh and sungie, we are going to be partners!" jisung's eyes widened, "p-partners?" he looked over to the board which had everyone's names paired up. "yup! i asked if we could work together?" "but what if i didn't want to work with you felix? what then?!" felix scratched his head, "well i didn't think that far sorry" jisung sighed and put his bag over his shoulder, "just leave me alone" he got up and headed towards the door.

"jisung wait! you left your notebook"
"whatever yongbok" he shouted as he walked through the door.

it was the end of the day and jisung made his way towards hyunjin who was by the lockers. "hey hyun, how was your day?" hyunjin sighed and closed the locker door, "shit, how was yours?" jisung shrugged his shoulders, "terrible. i slept in basically all my lessons, and i have this stupid history project" hyunin patted his friends back, "it's alright, i have a sports project" jisung smiled and took his skateboard out of his locker, "are you still coming to the party tonight?"

the younger sighed, "fuck, i forgot about that" "jisung you can't leave me by myself" "fine fine, i'll go with you. when does it start?" "like 9" jisung nodded and put his skateboard on the floor and rode it out the school gates, "text me when your ready" he told the older before leaving.

he felt the wind blow through his hair as he rode across the street. he put his headphones on and ignored everything around him, just imagining himself floating in the clouds. until he felt something in his way. "i'm so sorry, jisung i was just trying to give you your notebook back a-and" the younger felt his eyes tearing up. "please don't shout, i'm sorry... here's your book" jisung sighed and helped the younger up, "unless it's about the project, stay away from me, then i won't have to shout" he took the book from his hand and rode away.

"stupid bitch", jisung mumbled under his breath.
once he got into his house he ran up into his room and changed into more comfortable clothes. he had on black shorts, with a grey top and crocs. "jisung, i'm leaving the house okay? you're brother will be home soon and your father won't be back until thursday: his flight got delayed" his mom called out from downstairs, "he's not my father mom" jisung called back, "have some respect for him, he loves you very much you know" she shut the door and jisung heard the car pull out of the driveway.

"have some respect for yourself, selling your body to every man that wants it", he laid on his bed and scrolled through instagram when a notification popped up: 'fefe15 started following you' he clicked the profile and sighed when he saw who it was.

direct messages:

> staying away from me means don't talk to me
> that means don't follow me either

i knew you wouldn't give me your number <
i have to contact you somehow <
about the work of course <

> whatever
> you look like a girl in your pictures
> why are you dressed like that?

:( <
i think it's cute <
you don't? <

> no
> you look like a whore

no i don't! <
that's mean sungie <
you'd look pretty in a skirt too <

> not a chance
> i'm not a girl

you don't have to be a girl <
clothes have no gender <

> yeah i get that
> but i'm not female looking
> you are
> so it looks alright on you

thank you sungieeee <
one day you should try <
when we are best friends <

> shut the fuck up
> we will never be best friends

swearing isn't nice <
i have to go and eat dinner now bye!! <3 <

> bye
> i hope you choke on your food
> jk

<——— >

"just stay away from me"


after 1 billion years i'm back
school has honestly held me hostage but i've don't most of my work for now

> chapter 2: completed <

opinions on the 'case 143' teasers?

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