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15 minutes later

after what had seemed like forever, they finally made it to the house. jisung tapped the younger's head lightly, attempting to wake the freckled boy up.

"felix... we are here" the brown haired boy lifted his head up slowly and looked out the window blinking multiple times. he smiled softly at jisung and opened the car door thanking the driver before exiting. jisung did the same and walked over to felix's front door.

"okay bye felix", he turned around and began to walk away. but felix followed him. "felix what do you want?" the younger held jisung's arm, his weight dragging the older down.

"please stay with me sungie, i'll miss you" he frowned looking up at the older with sparkly eyes. "i have to go home, i just saved you cause i didn't want to live with the guilt" the freckled boy eyes started watering slowly, his pink lips quivering. "p-please" jisung wiped felix's face and walk over to his door. he rolled his eyes and pulled the younger by his hand, "fine let's go inside then"

felix smiled happily and opened the house door, "mom!" he called out. no answer. they were alone, "she's probably doing her night shift... you can come upstairs to my room" he held jisung's arm and dragged him into the bedroom. jisung looked around at the posters, cds and sage green vines on the wall.

his room had bright led lights which were set to pink, a bisexual flag on the wall above his bed and hundreds of plushies scattered across the floor and his bed sheets. "it looks like you film porn in here, are you a camboy?" felix pouted, "stop saying weird things sungie! i'm a virgin" "he turned to the younger, "my bad"

felix smiled, "are you a virgin?" jisung nodded his head,"sex is overrated, i'd much rather watch a movie then get my ass eaten out" felix blinked, "your ass? i thought you'd eat the girls ass" "yeah i will, but she can eat mine if she wants" the younger tilted his head in confusion, "i thought only gay people eat ass, is she gay?" "no she's lesbian" "ahh that makes sense", felix nodded in agreement.

a/n: they don't know what they are talking about.

"anyways" jisung pointed to the flag, "you're bisexual?" the younger nodded, "and what are you?" jisung shrugged his shoulders, "i don't really care about love, it's also overrated, but i'm straight" felix smiled and nodded, he was all little disappointed inside but managed to hide his feelings well.

he grabbed his towel and went into the bathroom, "please don't leave me, i'll be out soon" he called and then walked through the door.

jisung wandered around the room touching all the little figures felix had on his desk. his room was very pretty, a room any girl wished they had. the black haired boy opened a few drawers looking for clothes to give to felix once he had finished his shower.

as he was searching, something caught his eye: a long pink glittered dildo. he stared at it for a few seconds before placing clothes trying to cover up what he had just seen.

"what the fuck?" he mouthed and placed pink shorts and a white fluffy sweater on felix's bed. the room was MUCH cleaner than his own, too clean for his liking. jisung sat down on the chair next to felix's desk and span around waiting for the younger to finish his shower.

a few moments later, felix walked out of the bathroom, he was wearing a white robe with his name embroidered in purple thread. "okay since your done, i'll go home now" jisung picked up his bag and walked towards the door, "but sungie... i'm scared and i'm still a little drunk, what if i do crazy things?" "that's not my problem" the older scolded. felix started sniffling, his eyes watering again. "fine! you don't need to cry, just give me clothes to wear"

felix clapped his hands in excitement and walked over to his closet. "do you want casual clothes? or do you want pyjamas?" jisung stood next to the younger and examined the items in the closet, "it's so... bright and colourful" felix sighed, "why don't you like bright colours jisung?" the older shrugged his shoulders, "and why do you have skirts?" he tugged on the material pointing them out to the freckled boy.

"because they are pretty, sungie i don't think anything is going to fit you" felix felt jisung chest with his hands, "you're very... muscular" jisung moved the younger's hands away, "don't touch me that like, that's assault felix" "oh sorry, but i don't think it's going to work" he looked at the older's arms. "stop looking at me like that" jisung grabbed an oversized t-shirt and shorts and went to put them on.

he came back out and showed felix, "see it fits fine" felix nodded and pulled the cover off the bed, "you can lie against the wall" jisung slipped inside the covers and laid down looking at the ceiling. 'how did i get here?' he asked himself mentally.

felix waddled over to the bed and climbed on top of the older, sitting on his yk cutely. he smiled down as jisung began to panic, his face turning red. "felix what are you doing?" jisung had never felt any close physical contact like this before. especially not down... there.

he didn't even let hyunjin touch him. "what's wrong jisungie?" the brown haired boy smirked not breaking eye contact with the older. "f-felix what?" felix began rocking back and forth against jisung, "felix..."

the younger ignored jisung's comment and continued. "why do you keep saying my name?" felix stopped moving and put his face closer to the black haired boy, "do i make you nervous sungie?" he giggled.

"what the f-fuck? of course not! get off me" jisung pulled felix off him by the hips and put the covers over his legs. "you're so annoying" felix smiled, "i didn't do anything wrong?" he held jisung shoulder, "shut up" the older pushed him away and turned to face the wall.

jisung pov:

who does he think he is? climbing on top of me like some fucking gay porn star. i would've slapped the shit out of him if his face wasn't so cute.

i just turned to the side, i don't even want to look at him. i don't know why my body reacted like that, i don't like him. NOT AT ALL. i only got hard because of the situation not because of him, plus if i wasn't here right now he'd probably be getting his ass eaten out by some 25 year old man. and that's nasty.

gay people are weird.


"i don't like boys"


> chapter 5: completed <

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