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jeongin woke up to the loud sound of an alarm coming from the floor. he sat up onto his bed alert and searched for what was making the loud noise, it was coming from a phone. the confused boy turned off the alarm and felt movement besides him, "AAHHH!" he yelled and started kicking, "PLEASE I AM ONLY YOUNG" he shouted pushing the body off the bed. "AAAH" hyunjin screamed as he fell onto the floor, "WHAT THE HELL JEONGIN" "hyunjin? w-what are you doing here?" the small boy felt his face go red, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? THIS MY HOUSE!" the black haired boy looked around the room and nodded, "THIS IS YOUR HOUSE, WHAT AM I DOING HERE?" the two boys stared at each other in confusion, "maybe we came here after the party?"

hyunjin spoke and jeongin nodded, "maybe... either way, WE ARE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" "oh shit, you can't be late innie, you're like one of the good kids, i'm such a bad influence on you" jeongin calmed hyunjin down, "its okay hyunjin! i'm sure i can come up with a good excuse" he shrugged. hyunjin gasped, "NOW I HAVE TURNED YOU INTO A LIAR, THIS ISN'T YOU DARLING!" "d-darling?" jeongin covered his cheeks. hyunjin looked away, "i didn't mean darling, i meant like... you're a darling? oh would you look at the time, we are gonna be late!" he rushed out of the room, pulling the bed sheets with him.

jeongin giggled and hopped off the bed, he walked down the stairs and saw ruffling behind a chair. "hyunjin? he said cautiously backing up, "yes?" the boy shouted from the bathroom. "do you by any chance... have rats?" jeongin felt his stomach go funny. without warning, a fluffy black and white dog ran his direction. the younger let out a dolphin screech, "HYUNJIN WHAT THE FUCK! YOU HAVE A HUGE RAT IN YOUR HOUSE" he ran for his life jumping over the tables and chairs, "GET AWAYY" he screamed as the dog playfully jumped towards him, wagging his tail excitedly. hyunjin ran down the stairs, "oh innie, i see you have met kkami!" hyunjin clicked his fingers and the dog ran towards him, "who's a good boy!" he baby talked whilst ruffling kkami's fur. "why do you have that, that thing hyunijn... i hate dogs, they are so scary" he whined, refusing to get off the chair.

"come on jeongin, kkami is friendly, he loves humans so he got a little excited when you started running. he thought you want to play, that's all." jeongin huffed, "well... kkami, or whatever you are. I DON'T WANT TO PLAY!!" he yelled and threw his slipper at the dog.

kkami barking aggressively jumping onto the chair with jeongin, "AHHHHHHH" the boy screamed as kkami licked his foot, "get him off! get him off HYUNJIN!!" the blond however was laughing his head off, he took his phone out and recorded the helpless boy. "hyunjin you idiot!! HELP ME" jeongin cried, he really was terrified.

"okay fine" hyunjin responded, holding onto his stomach after laughing so much.  "kkami" he called, "go back to your room". kkami growled at jeongin once more before running away. "you can come down now, you little baby" "shut up" jeongin muttered, "i'm really scared you know?" "yeah i can tell" he laughed again. "stop it", jeongin punched his arm and stomped up the stairs. "you're so cute yang jeongin" hyunjin called out to the small boy (who was having a tantrum).


a quick cute chapter!!


> chapter 7: completed <

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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