Chapter 5. Pressed Suit and Cuffed Sleeves

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Salah slept comfortably for the first time in… hundred years? The motel as inns were called now, was cheap —which was about what he could afford with the change he found in Strange Coat's pockets— and the floorboards creaked under his every step but it was still better than an alley with drunks and homeless thugs. 

Not to mention the common room. He'd picked up a few things worth of great interest. The Antiquen had been under a bidding war ever since Salah and his kin were away and a certain family Dodvran something had finally won it.  He wasn't surprised it took that long, considering the fortune they hid in the bowels of the mansion. Most parts were inaccessible to outsiders.

The Dodvrans were hosting a party in it to celebrate. He thanked Virtue for the right timing even though he had no idea what to do when he got there or how to even get in?

I guess we'll find out when I get there.

Salah hurriedly used the wooden wash bath before peeking through the window. It was straight up noon. Oversleeping was nothing new to him and he'd been recently exhausted so it didn't really surprise him. 

Might as well wait for nightfall to crash this party. But first… his stomach rumbled like a bear roaring in its cave. 

Salah had enough money to eat what he was familiar with. Meat. It was far better than lettuce.


Tellese tapped her foot impatiently. Her eyes flickered to the door once more. No one came out of the exit. 

A 'tsk' escaped her lips. Hope surely wasn't doing anything to help her mood. She was biting her nails rather loudly. That sort of thing was supposed to be silent!

Where is he?! 

"I dunno. You think he's been caught?" 

She had spoken out loud. Tellese really was on the edge. "Virtue, I hope not. Don't want this poor guy to lose his livelihood because of us or whatever trouble Balat gets himself into." 

Hope shrugged and they both glanced at the unconscious guard —who was stationed at the small gate— they had ambushed. Balat had morphed himself after him and took his rifle. 

The plan had been simple. Get maiden's uniforms from House Dodvran's Steward, play pretend servers and infiltrate, spy or whatever the word was for what they intended. 

At last the gate creaked open. Tellese almost collapsed with relief when she saw Balat, his hand holding a heavy looking sack. 

He had the nerve to grin when he reached them. "Sorry if I had scared you all." 

Hope scoffed in a manner you'd think she had been unperturbed. Tel knew better. "You didn't scare me. Where are the clothes?" 

His hand went into the sack and he presented red and white liveries with small cover shoes. 

A short time later they were stepping inside their own home like strangers, no thieves. It felt saddening to Tel. Be strong, now's not the time to get emotional!

Balat guardsman colors gave them a sort of immunity. "Alright, listen carefully," he said in a whisper, "all the girls are in the main hall serving. You've both seen it done a thousand times so you should be able to emulate when necessary. More importantly, if you fill the need to get out, do it without me. We'll meet at Master Joeden's house." 



Salah watched the mansion as he resisted being overwhelmed with nostalgia. It was majestic and beautiful as ever. He sighed, turning his gaze away from the breathtaking architectural work to the lords and ladies climbing off their carriages. Pressed suits and white cuffed sleeves. The ladies, well, he didn't have enough time to gawk. 

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