Chapter 9 Cold

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Few weeks earlier

It was cold. The evening was cold.

Or it was just Xena.

The room she sat in was not empty. It had tapestries, paintings. Silk padded chairs, gilded tables and flower vases. It should feel warm but it was just...cold.

Her heart felt cold. Not the usual cold feeling. There was more now. There was grief with the cold. It wanted to make her cry but... the tears wouldn't come.

Why won't they? I'm not made of ice! I should mourn, I should be wailing.

She clenched her fists on her laps. Did I not love them?

She glanced out the window, the sky was gloomy almost like it could feel her mood. Like it mourned with her.

Maybe part of me wants to believe that they aren't dead. Maybe...

She heard footsteps at her door. Her head swiveled in that direction before the knock came.

"Come in." The words were barely audible. Whoever was behind the door must have had sharp ears or they decided to come in regardless.

A smiling face came from behind the door. Eve was a friend. Well, as close as one to her. She didn't really have friends. Her siblings did. Eve visited them when Hammad was still their butler and guardian.

Her and Eve were both informed the afternoon before that her siblings were dead. She chuckled lightly at the words. Then she was shown the body.

She denied. She was angry but eventually she had to accept. It was all too real to be lies.

And she wondered yet again, why she wasn't crying.

"Are you okay?" Eve said, then raised a hand. "Forgive me. That must be a stupid thing to ask."

Xena didn't say anything. She wasn't offended by her words or anything. Eve came close, standing by her side.

"Can I sit?" She asked, gesturing beside Xena.

She gave a slight nod of her head.

"I have news for you," she said, as she sitted herself on the bed.

Xena's left eye looked down slightly at her.

"We know who killed them or rather had them killed."

Good. I want them to tell me why... right before they die!

Eve placed what was supposed to be a consoling hand over hers. Instead she realized Eve's touch wasn't warm to her.

"You can talk to me. I know you must be going through a lot right now that I can only imagine. I just want you to remember that I'm here."

Xena nodded slowly. She wanted Eve to leave.

Eve rose and stopped at the door. "I understand if you don't wish to confront them. We leave in an hour just in case."

The door closed softly.

Xena exhaled and her breath misted on the glass window. She drew a finger down on it. But I miss them. Zan and Balat's chatter. Tel's confidence, Hope's cheeriness. Most of all she missed Salah. The only one who might have truly understood her. He knew when no words needed to be said.

An hour later, she headed down to the main lounge. A young man in a brown tailored suit sat opposite Eve, who was dressed in a white coat. She always loved the colour. Said it made her stand out. Xena loved it for a whole different reason. But she wasn't wearing white on that day.

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