Chapter 8 - Bird Songs

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Balat was tired, exhausted from the previous night. His muscles ached and shook from the memories of ordeals long past. He wanted to stay back. Relax for a bit. Let his mind breathe positive air. But there was no time for that. His siblings needed him and he wasn't about to let them down. 

So Balat cursed softly as Dodvran and a copper walked into him. 

They all shared a moment of shock, probably as a means of comprehending what their eyes displayed before them. 

Balat reacted first and pointed angrily at Dodvran. "Seize the imposter!"  

The copper cursed as he pulled his gun from his holster. Nearby coppers did as well on impulse. Warily watching Balat and Dodvran. 

Balat felt a moment of pride. The coppers could not decipher who was the imposter, despite their intense scrutiny. 

Dodvran on the other hand, watched him coolly. Hands clasped behind his back. Balat envied him his confidence. The man should look rattled. There's something unnerving about him. He can't be a Sinister, can he?

"We need not ponder on who's the imposter. Obviously, he would have done his research and would be able to answer both personal and business questions. So how about questions of the newly acquired mansion, eh?" Balat said the words in tones as calm and deep just as he heard Dodvran speak the night before. He hid a smile. There was no way Dodvran knew the interiors of the house he lived in for almost two decades of his life.

The coppers still held up their guns. Confusion writhing on their faces. Dodvran smiled, the edges of his lips upturned slightly but his eyes remained the same. 

"True. But this suit you wear, I discarded it last night. Constable Caspian can bear me witness. So unless you found a way to dry clean it overnight or managed to produce a replica of the Emerald Suit of the Last King Consort of Queensberry, I have no idea how you have it on."  

Balat exhaled softly. "Oh well, it was worth a try." 

"Hands where we can see them." 

Balat gaped at the constable or officer. What in Vainfell is that supposed to mean? You can see my hands right where they are.

He held up his hands defensively. "Look, you all saw what happened here last night. That scarecrow said he knew the Seurs of this house and they are here. Now I don't suppose Lord Dodvran here would willingly give it back." 

"Is that so? And you are?" Dodvran asked as the coppers with levelled revolvers and rifles closed on him. No doubt dreading the obvious fact that Balat was a Sinister.

"One of the Seurs of this house. You know it doesn't belong to you no matter what you claim. You don't even know half of what that house contains or what it can do." 

"We would be glad to here it all. When you are chained and confined, Vainson." The constable's voice was laced with disdain. Vainson? That's a new one

Balat saw Hope and Tellese crossing the street from the corner of his eye and smiled. "I would have loved to do that. But you see, they won't let me." 

"Who?" The constable said, just arm's reach off Balat. 

"Him," Balat gestured with his eyes as Salah  kicked a Copper's gun from his hand. Two others turned their rifle at Salah. One fired and gaped with wide eyes when his bullets went through Salah with no visible damage.

Something unseen pulled the other's gun from her hand. Zan's work. 

Stray flowerpots flew and crashed on the coppers. Hope's handiwork no doubt. Some managed a shot as they crashed on the floor. The ones who weren't already lying unconscious or with a bruise or two.

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