Chapter 7. Go big or go home.

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The family was almost reunited. Almost for a long time in a long while. If that made sense.

"You still haven't told us how you found out the party was being crashed," Tel said, fingers resting idly on the leather bound book she had found on Joeden's shelf. 

Zan pinched the bridge of his nose in visible exasperation. "Why won't you let that slide?" 

"Because you're being sketchy about it." 

Zan cocked his head at her and his mouth moved to respond. 

"Let me guess," Balat began, whiffs of smoke escaping his lips. "It was him, right?" 

Tel read his mind. "The Artist? That scoundrel!" 

Zan rolled his eyes. "He's reliable. You just don't like him." 

"Because he's a scoundrel and a… there are no mild words for describing him." 

Zan snorted his response. Balat took a long drag on his cigar, the end burning a bright crimson. He's overdoing it tonight. What happened when he was with Salah? He didn't say much other than they helped stop Haystraw.

Her eyes swiveled to Hope, who was content with filing her nails quietly. Quietly…

"That's right," Tel said. Hope lifted her gaze and Tel held her eyes. "You never did tell me how you got on the train?" 

Hope curled an eyebrow. "Why are you asking all of a sudden?" 

"I'm just curious. " 

Hope sighed and began her story. "I don't recall exactly what happened. I just opened my eyes and a boy and his sister were standing over me. I saw a weathered tombstone by my side but nothing interesting there except that they said it was mine. 

"Sash and Nissu probably took a liking to me, though they were suspicious at first. In no time we were bonding and they dumped information on me  including a means of and for transporting." 

She gave Tel one intentional look. "I met you on that train by pure happenstance." 

"Who's the sister between Sash and Nissu?" Balat asked with a thoughtful expression.

"What about you, Zan?" Hope asked.

"We are not coming back to me. Let's hear Salah's story instead." 

The tousled haired man moved his head slightly at the mention of his name. His index finger tapped the empty glass he was holding. His eyes fell on the empty glass, then rose from his chair to refill it with grape wine. It was evident he wasn't going tell any story. 

Salah hadn't said a word since she saw him. Actually, he hadn't said a word to any of them except Balat. She read his mind but his thoughts made no sense. Hope scowled at his back. "Some family reunion we are having." 

"Now we just need Xena to walk through that door and call it a happy reunion," Zan said, rubbing his low cut hair. He always kept it low.

"Somehow I doubt that," Balat puffed a whiff of smoke, legs raised lazily on a stool. 

"You doubt everything, Balat. Still, it won't be far-fetched to think she might be in Valdrell. She might have been among the guests."

Hope pointed her filer at Balat. "Not to mention he still feels Xena is the one responsible for the death of that lord." 

"I still feel that doesn't make any sense. She should have a bounty on her head as well unless she—" 

Tellese cut him off. "I'm sorry, a bounty?" 

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