Chapter 10. Vainshits

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The mustache itched again.

"This isn't mildly inconvenient whatsoever," Salah said flatly.

Zan's eyes glinted as he spoke. "I know right?"

"Well, I don't see how we have a choice. Not unless the unspoken needs to be said," Balat said, eyes closed and arms folded.

Salah resisted the urge to rip the atrocity from his face. Silk was still as uncomfortable as he remembered. He kept clenching his fist to his sides. He readjusted on the coach seat, again, then pushed the curtains aside to get a look of their position.

He must have been frowning hard because Balat tapped him on the shoulder. "You okay?"

"Hmm? I don't look fine?"

"If you did, would I have asked that?"

He gave an exasperated sigh.

Zan chuckled by his side. "I think it's quite obvious the mustache and gilded kid's outfit isn't the only thing bothering him."

Balat cocked his head at Zan. "Then what is?" Zan's expression fell flat. Salah couldn't tell if Balat was being dense on purpose or if he genuinely had no idea what Zan was driving at.

The coach rolled to a stop. Finally!

The three supposed gentlemen came down the coach. Balat walked to the coachman and pressed some generous amounts of gold on his palm. "Keep the change."

Well, they could afford such extravagances so nobody complained or objected.

The building they had stopped at was mostly old. Faded paintwork, and the window panes looked like they hadn't been washed in years. A clock close to its ceiling was clearly not functional.

"Are you sure this is where he described to you?" Balat asked skeptically.

Zan shrugged and sauntered towards the building. "We'll find out soon enough, won't we?"

The door was opened for them and the place was rowdy. Something Salah had not anticipated. They were dealers to the side. The sound of dice in dice cups filled the air in what he assumed was a common room.

Salah leaned and whispered in Zan's ear. "Where is our guy?"

"A moment." Zan walked over to a dealer and whispered words to the man. He pointed out something to Zan. Who nodded before turning towards them. He waved them over.

Salah followed the man and they passed a doorless hallway, and stopped by the last room by the right. The door was pretty neat and well cut.

Zan did the knocking while Balat went through his pockets. No doubt for his cigar.

No answer came from the other side of the door. Zan knocked again and again.

Salah shoved him aside and kicked the door open. The man on the other side was shocked to see them. He wore dark shades and he had a surgical blade in his hand.

There was a dead body on a chair opposite him. Its eyes and ears were missing. A grotesque sight at best.

"Really man?"

"Ah, if it isn't my favourite trio. Love the disguises by the way. It'll definitely fool some fools." He moved as if to shake them. Balat gave him a weird berth. "Of course. It's no surprise Zan is my favourite among you lot."

Salah stepped close to the body. "I guess this could not have waited, then?"

"I don't remember telling you to come in. Besides, that man was here to kill me but you know." He shrugged. "These kinds of things don't always go as planned."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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