A step in the right direction (John's Perspective)

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Five men arrested for drug related crimes in the city of Eaton. All of the drugs found were related to each other and are supposedly from the same dealer. I detective Johnathan Moeller have been tasked with finding their dealer and putting him behind bars before this drug problem gets out of control. A suspect that I recently interrogated named Matthew, says that the drugs came from our mystery man named Jim Skinard. 

Matthew also stated that Jim is from Dayton and has friends that he may have gotten the drugs from. 

I asked a fellow deputy of mine to gather a few officers that I think are capable of handling the task and meet me at my desk at 8 AM sharp. 

When I arrived to work Kyle was standing there with four officers I had not met before. I looked at them and asked if they were feeling brave. They all said yes with a very serious tone and it made me laugh. I could not believe they were actually afraid of me.
"Unfortunately I don't get the luxury of hand picking officers for the job, I told them." 

The first thing we need to do is figure out who "Jim Skinard" is and bring him in for questioning. if any of you get a lead on him, alert me immediately do not engage without permission.  I will let you know when I have more information. I have lunch with my son today so I will be out for that. One of the officers raised her hand, I looked at her and told her she doesn't have to raise her hand she can just speak. She said, "I'm Officer Reid, I have lunch with my son as well is that okay?" I told her that was perfect because I didn't really want to go alone. Michael is a cub scout and they are having a meeting today and I have to be there. 

I asked officer Reid if her son was a scout and she told me she was thinking about signing him up. This was a meeting anyone could attend if they wanted to sign up this year. 

"Michael is mainly obsessed with the uniforms. Mainly because he says it looks like my deputy uniform," I told Reed.  "Your son want to be a cop?" she asked. I told her I think so but there is a lot that comes with the car and the uniform. I told her I needed to get back to work on this case. I told her I would see her at lunch and she nodded and headed out to do her routes. I headed back to my desk and made a call to a judge to try to get a warrant for Skinard's arrest. The warrant could take up to an hour to get approved but I had time.

I asked Lydia if she wanted to go to this meeting with me because I just wanted to see her. I feel bad for my wife sometimes because she always has to take care of Katelyn and Michael when I am not around. When I called her I told her I would come home and get them both and we'd take my unmarked car. So I hurried up and got home. We got in my Impala and I drove to the school. Since I was a detective I didn't need my uniform to do my job anymore but I did need my gun and shield so I could show it to the secretary and tell them I am armed.

When we got there we sat down in the cafeteria next to another guy and his wife. Officer Reed, in her uniform walked in and sat next to us with her son. I introduced Reed to Lydia and they talked... About me... The whole time...

I noticed the guy sitting next to me seemed anxious. I figured that It was just because two cops were sitting right next to him and then I remembered that I am not in uniform and this guy doesn't know I am a cop. The meeting was starting and all of the current scouts stood up and introduced themselves. Michael was first to introduce himself.

"My Name is Michael Moeller," he said with pride and then a few more kids went and then a boy stood up next to Michael and introduced himself as James B, Skinard Jr.

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