James B Skinard.

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Officer Reed looked at me to make sure I noticed so I nodded softly and gestured to the guy sitting next to me because he seemed very bothered by her presence. I quietly mouthed the word LEAVE because he didn't know I was a detective.

"Hey Lydia, why don't you say we name our next son after me? I said knowing this would be funny. She gave me the dirtiest look and said, "oh hell no." I just laughed. It was after the gentleman sitting next to me made a loud and noticeable "huff" I was able to confirm that it was indeed Mr. Skinard sitting next to me. Possibly the same Mr. Skinard I needed to bring in for my case. 

However, while she was completely unaware of what was going on, My beautiful wife Lydia, was still going on about how bad of an idea John Moeller the second would be. Eventually Reed came back into the room and sat down next to us. I figured I should pay attention to my son's meeting now.

The leader in charge of this cult for children, was talking about the fun pizza parties they have and the games they play. He was obviously trying to get all of these other kids to join the scouts but now I had other things on my mind that distracted me again. I had a crucial component to my case sitting right next to me and he doesn't know who I am.  

I decided to tell Lydia that I was going to the restroom but I actually went out to my car to my extra scanner that I had incase I ever needed it. I sat down in the driver's seat for a second to think about what I needed to do... After a few minutes went by I had a plan.

I decided to call Kyle who was right down the road, I explained to him the situation. "Get all of those officers from this morning and get them near the entrances to this parking lot. I want a plate number and an address for this guy." I hung up and called the captain to check on the arrest warrant. He told me he'd check and text me when he knew. I decided to go back in and wait for Michael to get done and get my eyes back on this guy. 

When I sat back down my daughter Katie was sitting on Lydia's lap. My daughter is 2 years old she can walk, but she can't talk very well. The doctor's believe she has some form of Autism. Lydia is very worried about it but I'm not. 

I have to act worried because my wife is worried about it. I have to be there for Lydia when she is upset but we see things very differently at times. 

I smile at Katie and she looks away... She slowly turns her head towards me and I smile again.

She grins and lets out a very loud, very high pitch squeal. She leans towards me indicating that she wants to sit on my lap so I picked her up off of my wife's lap and held her I looked in her eyes and told her pretty loudly so my wife could hear. 

"You don't talk enough and it's scaring Mommy." 

Lydia gave me an even dirtier look than before, "Johnathan you better hope that there isn't anything you need to know from this meeting because you haven't paid attention at all."

I quietly turned away while Katie was now playing with my hair that she could reach from my lap.

She's right, I am not nearly as involved in my kids lives as I should be. I try to be around as much as I can. Like when I decided that we should go to this meeting as a family, It was because I never get to see Katie...

The meeting had eventually ended and all of the kids got to see their parents and eat pizza. Michael came over and sat down with us at the table we were sitting at with a plate full of different pizza slices. Lydia started yelling at him, 

"Mike, that is way too much pizza!! You still have the rest of the school day to get through." 

I interrupted her, "Well, he's just going to have to share with his sister then... Cuz I'm not going up there and she's hungry."

"I don't want to share with her!!!" He screamed in a whining tone.  Lydia was about to scold him but I beat her to it. I'd like to say I have patience with my kids but I don't care for Michael's fits very much. I calmly said, "Your Mom is right, that is way too much pizza and you can share with Katie." Mike continued to cry as if I shot the dog and everyone around us was watching us. I told him in a quiet but firm voice, "You have 1 minute to get it together or you can go back to class with all of the other kids who don't get to eat pizza at all." He quickly got it together because he knew that was his only warning. I didn't even really care how he felt at that point. I picked up a slice of pizza of his plate and fed small pieces of it to Katie and he continued to eat the rest quietly. 

Lydia pulled some brown napkins out of her purse for Katie to eat off of while she was sitting on my lap at the table. 

"do you want me to get you anything to eat?" Lydia asked me. I wasn't really hungry so told her "I'm okay," when I looked up at her she seemed worried and I didn't really know why she would be. 

I then remembered Jim Skinard who was eating quietly with his son at the table next to ours. I noticed that he kept angrily looking at me and my family. I guess he is still mad that I made fun of his choice to name his son after himself.

People were starting to get up and leave and I didn't really care that he was mad but I could not let him leave this school.

I needed to do something...

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