The bar (Lydia's Perspective)

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I didn't know what to say to my husband...

I was so mad and scared at the same time. The way that he can be so calm after that, has always been terrifying. If John killed 7 people at work and then came home you wouldn't know the difference. Like I said, it is hard for me to picture him as a cop. 

John is so calm and humble. That is why I fell in love with him in the first place. He's just such a quiet guy, but when he does talk his words are so true. I love him so much but I can't stand the thought of what he deals with everyday. 

I met Johnathan 8 years ago at a bar. I was on a date with another guy, but he was pretty gross. He talked about how he could get me "anything" I need because I said I wasn't feeling it. A few minutes later deputy came in looking for the guy I was with and arrested him for "illegal possession of drugs." As I got up to leave a voice from the other side of me said, "don't leave yet." When I looked over there was a guy sitting right next to me wearing a black knit hat he had hair down past his shoulders and black rimmed glasses. "Crazy night for you?" he asked. 

"Look dude, I don't know what just happened but I am going to leave before anything else happens," I said to him. 

He then asked, "Are you selling or buying drugs?" I rolled my eyes, "No!" He smiled and then said "it sounds like you got nothin to worry about... Well almost..." I was running out of patience with this guy. My date was arrested after offering me drugs. Now this weirdo was telling me not to leave so I raised my voice, "This bar is full of drunk creeps selling drugs why would I stay?"

He very calmly explained with a grin on his face, "That's exactly why you shouldn't leave, Romeo may have spiked your drink when we both weren't looking." My stomach dropped because he had a point and it scared me. Then I realized that he just as easily could have done the same. "Oh so I should feel safe with you," I said. I ran outside and got the deputy's attention. I told him that there was a creep that may have drugged me and I pointed at him through the window. 

The deputy looked at me and said, "he didn't drug you, go talk to him." The deputy then walked back to his car and drove away. I went back in and sat down next to him he looked surprised. "Why'd you come back?" he asked while drinking from his cup. "The cop outside says you didn't drug me and that I should talk to you...  I'm sorry for accusing you of that," I said. Then he looked outside and saw that the cop had left... "Guess that means Kyle left me here alone," He seemed upset. I asked him if they knew each other and he nodded. "Deputy Kyle Snowden is like a brother to me." 

"Must be nice to be that close to a cop," I said.  He then replied, after taking off his glasses and rubbing his tired face. "It's not nearly as nice as being one." 

I was confused and he could tell so he sighed and then explained while pulling out his badge, "My name is Deputy Johnathan S. Moeller, I am an undercover cop and I had Romeo arrested... Oh and Kyle is my partner." 

After that, we hit it off.

But after what happened today in the parking lot. it made me realize how much he really does when he's not home. I kind of felt bad, I didn't really know what to say to him.  I was also angry that we had to go to the meeting with him and it ended with an arrest in front of our daughter. and it would have ended worse if I hadn't told Kyle what was going on. When we got home I put Katie in her crib so she would sleep some more.  I went back out to look for john because I never heard him come in but he wasn't in the car when I looked and his other car was still in the driveway. 

I went back in the house and started checking every room. He was in the living room sitting on the couch, writing in a little blue notebook.  I sat down next to him and he closed the notebook.

"Thanks for calling Kyle," he said with a sigh.  

I was angry very,

"Johnathan, why did you take us to that meeting? I asked you to do one thing for me and that is take care of Michael's boy scout meetings and you can't even do that. You didn't even pay attention to a damn thing that leader said. Then I find out it had something to do with that case you are working on.  Can you please just get involved with him? Weren't your parents involved in your life?"

He just sat there with a blank face like he always does. 

I turned away from him and very quietly said under my breath 

"sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I would have just left that bar"

His eyes flooded with tears and I realized he heard me. My stomach dropped 

"I'm sorry" he said before he got up and went upstairs. 

I just sat down on the couch we he was just sitting and started to regret what I said even more. I truly don't know what I would do without him or my kids. I mean honestly he is the best man I know. 

I decided I needed to go see my therapist again so I called my old therapist Sarah because something is not right between me and john. I asked Sarah if I could bring John with me.  My therapist said it might be a good idea for me to go alone first so we could get an idea of what's wrong. 

I thought that sounded like a good Idea so I set up two appointments with her. Then I called Anna, our babysitter who lives across the street, to see if she could watch the kids. Anna has two kids of her own and Michael gets along with her son so he's always there after school anyway... 

"Of course bring them on over, It'll entertain my kids for a while," she said. 

I thanked her and hung up the phone. I got up to tell John but he was already on his way down.

"I have go to work," he said all dressed up again. I just looked at him and said "Oh..." 

Then he hugged me a little longer and tighter than usual and said "I love you." Then he let me go and walked out the front door.

I completely forgot what I was going to tell him until he was already gone....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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