9: Liberation

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  Through the rippling of a dark portal, four figures stepped out of Nazarick, and onto a cliff side overlooking the forests that Shalltear stood in, her mind controlled by the power of a World Tier item.

"Aura, Mare." In the front, Ainz called to the two elves that took the rear as you stood aside, your gaze stretching across the trees.

"This is where we part ways. After we separate, begin scouting the area for enemies." The leader of the guild he was named after ordered.

"—yes." Aura and Mare bowed their heads in understanding. At Aura's hips was a new addition to her, that being a large, scroll-like object. Similarly, a pair of large gauntlets covered Mare's hands, one white and one red.

  "But if the number of enemies outnumber you, retreat back to Nazarick immediately." Ainz continued his orders.

  "I understand." Through Mare's hesitant silence, Aura let out the quiet confirmation, bringing her brother's attention to her for a second.

  "I understand." Soon enough, the brother followed suit.

  "Do not allow your feelings to hinder this retreat." You spoke, their minds echoing with the thoughts from a porcelain shell.

  "Momonga's plans hinge on this, and even if they did not, the objects you carry are too important to leave within the grasp of a potential foe." You informed them.

  "Yes!" The unified call of the dark elf twins confirmed their understanding.

Both Ainz's magic and your gaze confirmed the absence of the owner of the Dream Trap that had been set on Shalltear. Similarly, whatever World-Class Item that had been used to first gain control of her had no detectable owner in the area, leaving only one clear question:

What the hell was going on?


"Momonga, it does not require insight into the beyond to see how... unnecessary your extra steps are." You stated, walking beside your comrade through the forests surrounding Shalltear's still form.

"I do not care, Y/n." Ainz told you bluntly. For the occasion, both of you were dressed very differently, Ainz in brown robes instead of his usual black gown, and you in simple dress clothes.

"Shit... this is all in case there are more Dream Traps, or if Shalltear somehow uses Ann—"

"Do not speak that cursed name in my presence." You sharply cut off the guild leader. If Shalltear somehow had that spell...

"...tch..." Ainz, clearly tense, could only make that sound in response.

The spell Ainz was referring to was another exception to the order of power, and another backdoor often used in Yggdrasil when a Great One was in play. The name of the spell was... it was...

Shit... the spell was called "Annihilate Dreamer." The effect is not to be confused with a Dream Trap, which was a trap laid in one's mind that would steadily destroy all Dream or nightmare related things it came in contact with in a painful decay. A.D. was instead a spell with a full, real-life, weeklong cooldown, which slowly charged when in the presence of one of the six Great Ones. When it reached full charge, and the caster gained the ability to use it... well, the effect would vary, but in the same sense that getting shot in the head could have outcomes ranging from paralysis to death.

The spell had been used against you once in your time as the Moon. Once. As soon as it was cast, you were forced to back away as all focus of healing was instantly turned to you. You had been lucky to only see 90% of your health drain when it fired. For that reason, not only was learning the spell strictly prohibited after you joined Ainz Ooal Gown, but even speaking it was grounds for termination. Shalltear wasn't supposed to know the spell, but if she did...

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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Blood of the Ancients(Overlord x Great One Male Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ