Chapter 1

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The date was 05-12-2025, the day Chris always hated, it's officially been three years since her adoptive mother died. It was also her birthday and she didn't celebrate it anymore. She decided it was time to go to the Church and MAYBE pray, that or just bawl her eyes out while sitting in front of the entrance, whichever one came up during that time. Before she went to the Church, she decided she was in need of food, munchy food. She went to the convenience store that was across the street and grabbed a bag of Salt and Vinegar chips as well as a chocolate bubble tea. She went up to the cash register and kept her gaze away from the boy in front of her, not because she had a crush on him. She didn't want anyone to see any signs of guilt on her face.

After she paid she left and trudged down to the Church, eating the chips and drinking the tea. It was actually her first time to a Church, she'd only walked passed the one in her previous home a few times. Never had she been inside or on the steps of the Church, it scared her slightly to think of the possibilities that might happen. In movies the only thing that could enter the 'Holy Grounds' was a human, a real human that was untainted by the Devil's men. Would an Artificial Human be able to enter as easily or would they be struck down by God? After a while of staring at the Church doors she broke down and sat on the stairs, crying like nobodies business. About a minute or so later the Church doors opens and a woman's voice spoke out.

"Well, are you going to sit there all day or are you going to come in? Come on, hurry up." Chris jumped slightly and looked at the woman behind her.

"I... don't know if I can..." She glanced down at the ground and started to stare off into space. The woman moved in the line of sight. She had bright red hair, quite short too, golden eyes, a strapless black dress(?) and a black scarf to match it.

"Well why can't you? Is there something wrong with you or what?"

"I just don't know... I've never been inside a church and I was always told nothing inhu...... never mind.." Chris started to get up and walked down a few of the steps, she really thought that it was probably best if she were to stay inside on the 12th from now on. Not long afterwards a man's voice yelled out of the church.

"Lyn get in here now!!!" The redhead, who Chris assumed was Lyn, ran over to Chris and grabbed her arm.

"Come on, Owen wants you to come in." Chris just nodded and allowed herself to be brought inside the church, it kinda scared her if it was true or not that anything Inhuman would be struck down by God. She wasn't even sure there was a god but still feared him. The interior of the church was dark, lit with some candles, and a shadowed figure stood before the altar.

"Lyn shut the doors." Lyn went shut the doors and the figure walked up to Chris and removed his hood. "My name is Owen and this lovely redhead is named Lyn. The reason I called you in here was because when Lyn opened the doors to speak to you I got a weird feeling, and I usually don't." Chris just looked at the man, before she also looked around the church. The man seemed young with white hair, gray eyes, and covered in a black cloak with intricate designs. He was also a bit on the pale side.

"Are churches always this dark? Dianna always told me about the church and the priest there, it didn't sound like it was a dark place." Owen smirked.

"This is the church of the dark gifted, this is a safe haven for the night children... Exactly how much do you know about Vampyres?" Chris had to think a bit on that.

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