Chapter 5 (Delic's POV)

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Delic walked the towards Lyn's bedroom as he turned into the hallway seeing Chris. "Hey Chris what you doing?" Chris turned around and looked at Delic.

"I got lost... Where's Skye? I could've sworn I'd heard her talking to someone." Delic smiled.

"She was talking to Owen. Hey, do you want to go do something?" Chris shrugged slightly.

"Depends on what that something is."

"Well. It's a little coffee shop near by, it's also cross from a library." Chris thought about it and nodded.

"Sure, hopefully they've got bubble tea." Delic smiled a bit cheekily.

"So it's a date then?" Chris shrugged slightly.

"A type of date, yeah. So lead the way, or else I'm just going to get lost again." Delic smirked as he lead the way.

"This place is really big, it can be really confusing sometimes. You probably don't know this, but this place has at least 300 beings in the church every night, they just rest in the basement. And you don't have to worry about them, they know you're being watched over Owen." Chris made sure to keep up with Delic and memorized every turn they made.

"Sooo... What's your favorite thing to do in your spare time?" Delic looked to the ceiling,

"Let me think well listen to the stories that the old wise vampires tell me about their old lives, reading horror stories, and reading crows, you?"

"Me? Oh I like to write songs and record myself singing them. Sometimes I'll take a walk around town with Skye because she doesn't want me to rot away in my apartment." Delic smiled as he opened the front door to the church

"Yeah that won't be good, anyway how did you two meet in the first place?"

"She over heard me singing, I once again had my volume up too loud and she came to complain about it. I was still wearing my pajamas and had yet to brush my hair, which was much longer back then since I'd never had a haircut, so it was a mess. She came in without asking and started to clean up my apartment and then brushed my hair out." Chris stopped in the doorway when she saw a man wearing a lab coat in front of a white van. He had two men in tuxedos standing on either side of him and all three of them were waiting outside the Church and staring at Chris. To outside eyes, they looked a bit friendly, but probably not people who you'd want to joke around with. Delic looked at them with anger in his eyes, but asked calmly,

"What are you doing here?"

"Chris, I see you're doing well. How's Dr. Coswell?" Chris gritted her teeth slightly and started to clench and unclench her fists.

"How's Dr. Coswell? Shouldn't you know this already? She was murdered in her own home!" The man in the lab coat smirked.

"And you fled afterwards, didn't you? It doesn't leave a nice picture afterwards. Some teenager lives with what seems to be their mother and then one day the woman is killed and the teenager disappears with all the money in the house. How do people know it wasn't you who killed her?" The church doors blow up Owen and Lyn standing there on the steps,

"Chris, Delic come inside now, as for you intrudes you're not welcome here!" The man in the coat smirked.

"This 'Chris' you speak of doesn't even belong here. It's name is 99735!" The man pulled out a piece of paper and walked up the steps, leaving his men at the van. He showed it to Owen as he grabbed a hold of Chris. "You don't have the right to say I can't take what's mine back." The papers were signed documents stating they could remove the being known as Chris Smith back to the laboratory, they even included recorded notes on how Chris, or 99735, came to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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