Chapter 2

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When 9:45 came around Chris got dressed in her actual clothes since what she was previously wearing was her pajamas (They looked like everyday clothes but she didn't like wearing them out in public unless it was her birthday and she was too lazy and/or depressed to change out of them). Once she was all dressed and had her hair brushed out she left for the church. On her way out she ran into Skye and since Skye worried for Chris's safety, she tried to convince her not to walk around as late as it was alone. Chris ignored her and continued on. Skye followed her via rooftops. Chris walked right inside the church and Skye waited a few minutes hoping she was just going in to pray since she knew the church wasn't the standard church type.

Owen greeted Chris at the doors and showed her where they'd be eating. The dining area was dark but not to dark. A long dark oak dinner table stretched almost the whole length of the room and a candle chandelier lit the whole table. Chairs lined around the table with the same wood as the table with a dark red fabric. There was enough food to feed three families decorating the table. Lyn was already sitting at one end of the table next to a big chair.

"Sit anywhere you'd like expect the big one, and eat as much as you can stomach." Lyn stood up in her nice black dinner dress, which she only wore if there is company. "What can I get you for a drink?" Chris thought for a minute before she replied.

"Water's fine." She looked around at the chairs and took a seat near the large one. She rarely went to have dinner with other people, but she could still remember what to do and she waited for them to join her at the table. Lyn went get Chris her water and Owen took a seat in his chair,

"So where did we leave off? Oh yes, why you were crying on my steps, so what's your story?"

"Well, I was raised by Dianna and a few other scientists for 8 years until I collapsed. The next thing I remember, is I woke up lying on a couch covered by a blanket. I didn't know where I was until Dianna came into the room with a glass of water and explained to me that I'd actually died and come back to life. I wasn't able to go outside for the first month we were wherever we were just so she could make sure I wasn't going to collapse. I had a normal life for another 8 years until I came home one day to find Dianna had been murdered in the Living room. I freaked out and came here to America. It's been three years since then and I sell the music I've written." Lyn walked in with the Chris's water and Owen smiled.

"Well, your special then. I don't have a story like that, but more less I've never left these walls, I have been here ten years. Lyn is the only one that goes outside, I've been a Vampyre all my life, all 35 years of it so far. When I was a child I was taught the ways of a vampiric priest, to watch over those who can't watch over themselves. It gets quite lonely here." Owen looked down with a bit of sadness showing through. "But enough of that, why don't you dig in?" Chris nodded and started eating. About 5 minutes afterwards Skye walked inside and bonked Chris upside the head.

"You could have told me you were being invited out to dinner! I thought you got attacked since you didn't come out. And before you ask, I did in fact follow you to make sure you'd get from point a to point b and back to point a safely." Skye sniffed the air a few times and glanced at Owen and Lyn. "And you've made friends with the friendliest Vampyre in this town as well as his bodyguard. Mind if I join?" She didn't wait for a reply before she sat down next to Chris.

"Well this is unexpected surprise, I am afraid I didn't get your name?" Lyn slowly reaches for her gun under her chair.

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