Chapter 3

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A figure was walking towards Chris and Skye in a black coat with a hood so you can't see anything clearly but the mouth. The figure stop to look up a little to see ahead. As the person did so a thin lock of hair fell out, it was as white as freshly fallen snow. Chris stepped back behind Skye to hide a bit from the unknown person. Skye just blankly looked at the person. He smelt familiar, not by much though. She wrapped her arm around Chris again and started walking around the man. Her first priority was to bring Chris to safety. Humans were fragile creatures and she knew that very well. The figure stop as taking his hood off, to showing his face. The man was looking at Chris and Skye.

"My name is Delic, so what brings you two out here at this time of night?" Skye nearly jumped four feet into the air when she saw his face. She also almost fainted. It had been years since she saw the boy before her, she assumed he'd changed his name at some point after her leaving. She moved over to him with inhuman speed and gave him a huge hug, she almost felt like crying. She almost knocked the two of them over, but she caught the both of them before they had gotten to a 45 Degree angle.

"Oh my gosh, I missed you!" She pulled away but left her hands on his shoulders. "Though why'd you change your name from Ningyo to Delic?" She sniffed him again and made a bit of a humming noise. "And you smell different..." Delic smirked a bit sadly.

"O you must mean my late brother, he died couple years ago, I am his twin Delic." Delic wiped his eyes, which seemed to water when he spoke of Ningyo. Skye frowned and pulled Delic back into a hug, it was hopefully more of a comforting one than anything.

"No wonder you smelled different, and I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I knew him a few years ago, more like 8 years ago. He was the first person I had a full conversation with after I moved here." Skye didn't realize she'd started crying as well until her voice started shaking towards the end. Chris was very shocked to see Skye crying, or to be showing any emotion other than worry and/or anger. She walked over and reluctantly hugged the both of them, comforting people wasn't one of her best qualities. Delic smiled.

"Thank you, he was murdered in cold blood... I am going to find out who did it and make them pay with their lives." Delic said the last part with anger and was more of a low growl than anything. Skye sighed and slowly pulled away so Chris could get the hint that hugging time was over, and she did.

"Well, I could help you find the killer... maybe even help kill him if he isn't human. Because we all know humans are fragile." Chris sighed and looked at Skye.

"Do you want me to hang out at the church until all this is finished?" Skye looked at Chris and nodded.

"That would be nice, don't cause them too much trouble and don't piss of any visitors. I'll walk you there in the morning." Delic looked at Skye with a question look on his face

"Church?" Skye nodded.

"Yes, it's a church for Vampyres, Demons and humans who aren't afraid to step into a church that could quite possibly end their lives. I'm friends with the priest, in a way he worships the ground I walk on." Delic smiled and released a little puff of air similar to a small soundless chuckle.

"Well, I hope I will see you at the Nightingale church." Delic reached inside his cloak and grabbed some earbuds and put them in his ears as he walked away. "Nice rings. You are lucky to have Owen on your side." He said as he was walking. Skye nodded, even though she doubted it was seen by him and continued to walk off with Chris tucked tightly under her arm. She wiped the remaining tears from her eyes and cheeks as she silently reminded herself to visit Ningyo's grave no matter where it was located within the next few weeks.

The next morning Skye dropped Chris off at the church like she promised and also started searching for answers on Ningyo's death, mainly the results of his autopsy so she could narrow down her suspects, but there wasn't any records of an autopsy to look at. Over the course of the next few days she was getting into fights with people to interrogate them her way. She did get a few bad wounds, but refused to show up at the hospital for any official medical treatment and took care of them her way.

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