Her new life

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Outside of an Interrogation room the hokage has talked to the jonin that questioned Shiromi and they discovered that she knew nothing about Orochimaru's projects or current location. They did discover that she has something sealed inside of her but she didn't know it. the interrogator's could only tell that it was similar to the 9 tailed fox. 

Orochimaru left behind a scroll with a small compound sealed inside for his daughter. a few shinobi helped to unseal it and she made it into her new home along with her 100 pet white snakes. Lets go to her first day of the ninja academy. (she is 4 now)

"Hey everyone we will have a New student with us." Iruka said. Shiromi walks into the classroom. "Hello, my name is Shiromi Orochi. It Is nice to meet you." she said. "SNAKE!!" all of the students said. "Huh? oh it is you Maru!" she said looking at her big pet snake. "I told you to stay at home. Done worry everyone he isn't poisonous. People say that white snakes like Maru here are messengers of the gods if it makes you feel any better." she said. The students are intrigued by her knowledge of snakes. She gets acquainted with the class slowly becoming a member of the village.

1 month later

She hears about her classmates having close encounters with snakes. It is becoming an Issue in the village. Shiromi went to the Hokage who was a guest speaker in class that day. "Um sir. Has there really been a problem with snakes in the village?" she asked. "there is. we are currently working on it." he answered. "the snake problem may be my fault." she said looking nervous. "The way Shino is with insects I am with snakes. They are attracted to me like dogs are to meat.  it is one of the reasons that I spent most of my life Indoors. the snake attraction thing doesn't work while I am inside of a building. I am sorry" she answered. The hokage understood and decided to help her out.

find out what happens next in the next chapter. 

Orochimaru's little snakeWhere stories live. Discover now