Our first mission

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Shiromi PoV

In the village my team has been only doing D rank missions. Not to mention our Jonin kept diching us in the middle of it. but one day we got our chance.

"Your squad will get a C rank mission today." the hokage said. "Finally! what is it!" All of us said. "the lord in the land of flowers is about to have a baby. She is a formidable fighter but her pregnancy has weakened her. your job is to protect her until the baby is born. I wont be long because the baby is due any day now and the lord's security is tight." he said. "Were on it! we will mee at the front gate in 3 hours!" Anko sensei said.

3 hours later

"Are you ready to go?" Anko sensei asked. "yes!" All of us responded. in the morning the next day we arrived in the land of flowers. "we are ninja from the leaf village." Anko said. "Oh yes. the lord told us of your arrival. please come in." the guard said. 

we were then told of our mission. The baby was scheduled to be born later this night. Our job was to defend her until tomorrow at noon. Yamada used his spiders to place secret webs all over the palace. I summoned some of my boa constrictors to wander around secretly and wrap up anyone that isn't supposed to be there. sensei and Kuro were guarding the lords hospital room. soon the baby starts coming and the moment of truth comes. 

a few minutes later.

"Someone is in the north garden." Yamada said. all right lets go." I say. we go there to see a gang of rouge ninja. some were caught by our webs and snakes. Yamada and I take care of the stragglers. "you are too late. the assassin has been here the whole time!" one of them said. "HUH!! they are!" yamada said. "Where would an assassin hide in plain sight and be alowed near the lord?" I inquire. we think for a while and shout. "The Doctor Delivering the Baby!" we say. we rush to the emergency room. 

"its a boy!" the doctor said. "he is adorable." the lord said. "too bad you wont see him for much longer!" the doctor said. He pulls out a kunai and points it at the lord. "Snake shadow stitching!" sensei and I said. "Grrr! how did you know!" he yelled. "your goons have lose lips and I smelled mallace on you ever since you showed up!" Kuro said. with that the lord was able to fully recover on no time and we were able to go home with the mission completed.

Chapter over.

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