My squad's families

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Our first assignment as teammates is to meet everyone's family. We first go to Kuro's house which is in the middle of the forest. "Why are we out here? I thought we were going to kuros house." I said. We are. My clan's kekkei genkai is based off of animals in the wild so we build our homes In the wild as well." He said. We then see houses in tall trees and meet his parents they have very shaggy hair and torn clothes like kuro does.


We arrive at the Aburame residence to meet Yamada's family. The Aracno clan are distant cousins. That is why they both specialize in bugs, but while the Aburame clan uses flies and beetles and stuff the Aracno specializes in arachnids only. Spiders are their thing. After meeting his parents I learned that they are great at making traps and Capturing enemy ninja.

And last but not least.

"I don't think we need to go to my place right?" I say nervously. " Of course we do! what is the problem?" Anko said. "I don't have a family." I said. "Then who are your parents then?" Kuro asked. "I don't know who my mother is but my father.....was the only member of the legendary Sanin to turn traitor." I said. "Wait! Your father is Orochimaru!" Yamada and Anko said. "Yes he is. I don't know where he is now. He left me in the leaf village so that his enemy's couldn't hurt me. He has made a lot of enemy's. I haven't seen him in years."  I say. "Well the least You can do is show us where you live." Anko said. 

At my house

"You live here! This place is huge!" They all yell. I show them around my house and I even show them where all of my snakes live when I am not using them. 

Chapter over

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