Fazbear Fright

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Freyja inhaled deeply, letting a gruff sigh escape her coral lips. One month. She had one month to find a job before she lost her apartment. Recently, the brunette's job had been shut down, but thankfully the manager was nice enough to give all the employee's a month's pay. Unfortunately, it had only been enough to pay rent and buy a few groceries.

Plopping on the old leather couch that resided within the small apartment, the woman had almost given up hope, almost quit looking for a job until she saw Fazbear's Fright had an opening. The pay was decent, $10 an hour for a 12-hour shift wasn't bad, but the ad gave Freyja the heebie-jeebies. Well, whatever, she needed the money and would take any opportunity given to her. "I'm so going to regret this..." The girl whispered to herself, dialing the number in the ad.

The phone rang for what felt like forever until a groggy male voice answered. "Welcome to Fazbear's Fright; how can I help you?" The man grumbled; he was grumpy.

"Hi, I wanted to apply for the night guard position," Freyja stated, nerves clawing up her stomach, leaving a pit of butterflies. Intrusive questions swam in the girl's mind, freaking her out more than she already had. Oh no, what if the position was already filled? What if she wasn't qualified?

"Show up at 11:30. You can get familiar with the place and sign the papers." The man grumbled, hanging up. He seriously did not sound like a happy person. Well, whatever. At least he made it sound like Freyja got the job. It was weird, though; he didn't ask her any questions or set up an interview.

Well, time for that Halloweentown binge marathon. Freyja had been saying for a while she would but hadn't had a chance to until today. Honestly, it was just a way to pass the time until tonight.

Hours upon hours passed until it was finally 11 pm. The girl was planning to leave in 15 minutes, but the anticipation slithering inside her was too much to bear. Quietly, Freyja raced out of her apartment complex and into her old, black truck. The engine started with a roar; although it was old, it still ran like new.

The drive was surprisingly short, around 20 minutes. Since she was early, Freyja may as well go in and get acquainted with everything. That is if she could build the nerve to go into the horror attraction. The brunette wasn't necessarily scared of it or going in, but she didn't want to leave a wrong impression on her boss. He seemed to fire you if you even said something wrong.

Inhaling deeply, Freyja shoved the door open. Huh, she thought it would be harder to do; at least she couldn't change her mind now. Trudging into the eerie place, her chocolate gaze engraved the place in her mind. Something told her she'd have to know every twist and turn this place had. So far, everything seemed fine; of course, the occasional animatronic head was excellent. That was until the brunette ran right into a...fuzzy wall? Turning her attention to whatever it was she ran into, Freyja's eyes went wide. It was a real animatronic and not just one of the heads. It was a decayed greenish-yellowish bunny. Huh, he must have been a part of the attraction or something.

"Awesome." The brunette stated in a hushed tone, admiring the thing in front of her. While most people would scream in horror, this girl didn't. In actuality, Freyja was fascinated by the deactivated robot.

"I see you've met Springtrap." The same gruff male voice from the phone sounded behind the brunette. This caused a jump of surprise from the girl before she turned around. "Edward." The raven-haired man stated, holding his hand out. His unusual gray eyes were being held up by dark circles underneath them.

"Freyja." The girl nodded, shaking his hand. Damn, he was tall! Well, everyone was tall compared to her five-foot-tall stature. Especially that decayed bunny, he was probably seven feet tall!

"I'll show you to the office." Edward sighed, turning on his heel before walking off. The brunette girl simply nodded and followed him, while something within herself screamed at her to run, to leave and never come back. That was probably her self-preservation instinct, but when the hell did she ever listen to that?

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