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Freyja grinned for once as she walked into work. Both girls' hands had a bucket of clean water and a sponge. She was going to live up to her promise of cleaning Springtrap, even though she realized just how daunting it could be to clean a 7ft tall murder bunny. Heh, murder bunny; maybe that should be his new nickname. Many would probably have run away and quit, much less offer to bathe the animatronic, but quite honestly, Freyja wasn't like many people. However, what price did that come with? It could very well be her life. Well, for now, she would try to keep cheating death.

"Oh, Murder Bunny~." The brunette chimed, lurking around the horror attraction. Just how in the world could someone lose an animatronic? I mean, it's not like he was quiet wherever he went. The distinct mechanical gears grinding would have given him away should he have been near the guard. Maybe he was waiting somewhere? He wasn't in the office like usual.

"B-oo." Springtrap breathed, placing his metal hand on the woman's shoulder. He wasn't following her; instead, he was waiting. He was in one of the back rooms playing a game of hide n seek, even though she didn't realize she was even playing. Freyja nearly jumped out of her skin, turning around to be faced with a greenish-yellowish animatronic chest. "You scared the shit out of me!" The guard hissed, trying to calm her pounding heart. "Tha..at w-was the po-int." The bunny replied, bending to be at eye level with the short brunette. It gave the girl a feeling of deja-vu, probably because this is precisely what happened during the power outage all those weeks ago, or maybe it was a few months. Freyja couldn't remember.

"Wh-what w..was th-at nick..name?" Springtrap inquired, following as the girl brought him to her office. He didn't mind it and perhaps even slightly liked it, but he was curious. Nobody had ever really given the male a nickname, especially not someone he tried to kill. So, why was this girl acting like it never happened? "I thought it fit." Freyja shrugged, stalking into the office. "Sit." She added, dipping the sponge into the water before approaching the convicted murderer. He surprisingly did as asked with no hesitation. Huh, the guard expected at least some resistance. Well, that was until the animatronic pulled her into his lap. This evoked a slight gasp from the petite girl and made her heart race in her chest. Her chest tightened, seeming to restrict airflow even though she could breathe perfectly fine, and invoked a warmth. This feeling...it was unfamiliar. It wasn't entirely unwelcome, though.

"What are you doing...?" Freyja questioned, placing the bucket down next to the pair. "Mak-ing it ea...easier." William replied, chuckling at the girl's reaction. He had never really noticed how small she was compared to him until now. Why did he even do that? Honestly, he had no clue; he was acting on impulse. That's the exact reason behind his little white lie; how would she feel if he did tell her the truth? That he yearned for the touch of another? to hold someone again? Surely she'd freak out. After all, he tried to kill her during their first meeting, yet his instincts were yelling at him never to let go of the petite woman, to protect her. Why? He wasn't friends with her or anything; at least, that's what he thought. Though, he felt a pull to the girl, as if an imaginary warm string attached to his heart was pulling towards her.

Gripping the sponge, Freyja dipped it in the water while William let go of her waist. Gently, the girl scrubbed the bunny's moldy fur, bringing it back to a rusty golden color. The brunette rolled her blue eyes, trying to ignore how flustered she was getting from sitting in the animatronic's lap. Why did he even have this effect on her? Just yesterday, he was pulling away from her, but now he was pulling her to him! What the hell was this!? Freyja's thoughts dragged the girl into the depths of her mind as she continued cleaning the animatronic's fur.

Hours passed, and soon midnight turned into 6 am. While Freyja cleaned the male's fur, the pair talked about anything and everything. Springtrap was reluctant to let go of the brunette, wishing the time for the girl wasn't there yet. Her company was pleasant, and even though he hadn't said much, speaking to her was lovely. Eventually, the male let the brunette out of his grip, and as he watched her leave, the loneliness sat back in. The feeling he had become accustomed to, which seemed to be erased by Freyja's presence, was back, gnawing at the back of his mind. Worst of all? The children were back, their souls that always haunted him. It was weird; they seemed to disappear when the night guard was present. Did they fear her? That was unlikely; maybe they just disliked her. Well, whatever it was, her presence seemed to push them away.

"Well, that was eventful." Freyja sighed, finally back in her apartment. It wasn't a bad eventful; it was nice. William's company was nice, even though he didn't talk much. She understood, though, with the spring locks in his throat, it must hurt for him to speak even a word.

After the brunette changed, her phone started ringing. Who decided to interrupt her much-needed sleep? The caller ID read as Edward. Crap, what did he want? Sighing, the brunette picked up the phone, and much to her dismay, she was getting a new co-worker. Honestly, she would instead like to fly solo and hang out with Springtrap as she has been. Well, she could deal with that tomorrow; now, all she wanted to do was go to bed.

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