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The brunette grumbled, pulling herself from the comfortable bed she was previously sleeping in. She didn't want to deal with the new hire, but what choice did she have? Edward almost threatened her to do it, and she couldn't lose this job. Well, whatever, if that's what she had to do, then she would do it, no matter how much she'd hate it. Reluctantly, Freyja began getting ready for work before leaving her apartment and jumping in her truck. It was amazing how it still ran with how old it was.

When the girl arrived, she stared at the building for a few moments before entering. Whoever she was going to be working with drove a honda civic, heh, nerd. Freyja noticed the new guy sitting in the corner, seemingly terrified for his life. So he's seen William; if he had met him, he'd probably be dead already. "You'll be fine. Get up." The brunette snorted, taking a seat in the old office chair. The taller male brunette raised a brow, curious about how the girl wasn't scared of the animatronic. His eyes were a very light shade, a striking gray. They somewhat reminded her of Edward, though he has raven hair. 

"H-How aren't you scared?" The man inquired, moving to lean against the desk. He had a muscular physique and tall stature, with untamed brown hair. The female shrugged in response, checking the cameras for Springtrap. He was close to the office, no doubt to scare the shit out of the new guy again. Speaking of, what even was his name? Freyja never asked. "Hey, what's your name? I'm Freyja." The girl stated, her blue gaze moving to his. "Rowin." The man nodded, staring out the window of the office.

Within moments, William appeared at the door. Freyja was unphased, but Rowin? Rowin was scared for his life. At the moment Springtrap appeared, that's when the brunette male bolted, grabbing his co-worker's wrist as he went. Despite the girl's protests, he kept her in tow, running for both of their lives. "What the hell was that thing!?" Rowin hissed once the two were where he deemed safe. "That was Springtrap." The girl replied, rolling her eyes. The big yellow bunny wasn't anything to be scared of; he was a big teddy bear at heart. "Can you please let go of me?" She asked, lightly tugging her wrist to get out of his grip. "R-right, sorry..." Rowin apologized, releasing the girl. 

'Don't worry about Springtrap; he probably won't do anything to you." Freyja shrugged, heading back through the winding halls she knew so well to the office. Along the way, the pair talked, not about anything in particular but their hobbies and interests. As it turned out, the pair had a lot in common. Despite what the brunette girl initially thought, they got along pretty well. Springtrap, however, wasn't so keen on this. As long as Rowin didn't try anything, William would keep his temper, but the moment he did? He would be a dead man.

"Hey, murder bunny." Freyja greeted, taking a seat in her usual spot. The brunette male cautiously stepped towards the office chair next to her, but a certain animatronic stood in his way. Springtrap wasn't fond of the new guy, and his dislike grew stronger with each passing second. Seeing Springtrap in the office standing so casually sent shivers down Rowin's spine, the initial fear returning to him from seeing him from before. 

Honestly, William couldn't pinpoint why he didn't like the new hire. What was it about him? Maybe it was the bad vibes he was putting off. Or because he already seemed to be close to Freyja? Whatever it was, he didn't like the constricted, pulling feeling in his chest. It wasn't like his warm, fuzzy feeling when the girl was so close to him. Why the hell was he even feeling this?

The rest of the night, Springtrap was glaring at Rowin. Hate seethed out of his animatronic suit as he stood there. The tension between the two males was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Freyja didn't understand why William didn't like her new co-worker, but it would be fine if he didn't do anything. This went on for weeks, Springtrap glaring down at Rowin. However, he eventually got used to it and became more comfortable around the brunette girl. During the weeks that passed, the two started to get closer. Freyja assumed they were just good friends, but Rowin had another idea. Weeks turned into months, and Springtrap's dislike turned into hate. He hated how close Rowin seemed to her and how much he had grown to like her. It almost felt as if the brunette male was trying to steal Freyja from the animatronic. Now, about three months have passed. "Rowin!" Freyja grinned, strolling into the office. The male in question returned the greeting, but he today. He was more nervous than usual, which was a bit offsetting.

During the first three hours of the guards' shift, the male was quiet, more so than usual. "Freyja, I uh." The brunette male started, his gray gaze flickering to Springtrap as he stopped in the doorway before returning to Freyja. "Freyja, I like you." Rowin finished, taking the petite girl's hands in his own. This is what sent William over the edge. Immediately, the animatronic stomped into the office, putting his hands on the man's shoulders. Protectiveness washed over the bunny like a tsunami; Freyja was his. Nobody else could have her. "Sh-e is...isn't yo-urs." He growled, white optics interlocking with Rowin's. What happened next, though, was surprising.

William wasn't in his animatronic prison anymore. Instead, he was staring right at the deactivated suit, but from who's eyes? "R-Rowin?" Freyja gasped, watching the male's hair turn black. He looked like William, but how was that possible? Maybe his hair was always black, and his features reminded her of him. Yeah, that was it! That was the most reasonable explanation. 

William grinned ear to ear, looking down at his hands. They were made out of flesh! Real skin! He was human again, but how? Well, he could think about that later. "It's me." The ravenette stated; his deep voice had a thicker British accent than when he was in the suit. The male opened his arms, allowing Freyja to hug him if she chose to. Honestly, it was mostly for him. Now, he could feel her warmth, how soft her skin could be.

"William!" The brunette exclaimed, nearly jumping into his strong arms. If possible, the male's grin would have grown wider as he pulled the brunette closer. "How the hell did you do that!? And why not sooner?" The guard asked, her lips curling into a grin before reluctantly pulling away. "I have no clue," William replied truthfully before being put back into the animatronic suit. Rowin, having no idea what just happened, ran out of the office screaming. He was no doubt scared shitless by the animatronic, even though he had no recollection of what had just happened.

"We can figure this out later." Freyja sighed, leaving the office. It was already six am, so it was time to go home. Though, why did it feel so weird to hug William like that? He was in Rowin's body, and she never had that feeling when it was Rowin. Yet, her chest was warm and fuzzy when she knew it was William. The brunette couldn't help but ponder this mystery for the rest of her drive home.

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