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Freyja grimaced, sneering at her clock. The miserable beeping alone was enough to emit feelings of hatred for the thing. Its annoying sound meant it was time for the girl to put her uniform on and drive to the hellish place she worked at.

Groaning, the brunette begrudgingly forced herself out of bed. As she did so, searing pain shot through her ribs. Ah shit, she forgot about that. Well, hopefully the murderous animatronic wasn't bloodthirsty tonight.

"Another night, another game of roulette." Freyja whispered to herself, struggling to lift her shirt off to change it. Ah crap, if she could barely put on her uniform, how could she deal with that damned bunny? She'd pull it off somehow...hopefully.  After struggling for what felt like forever, but was simply five minutes, the girl finally had her uniform on. Time to go gamble for her life, great.

Sighing, Freyja grabbed her keys and made her way to her trusty old steed. There was a nagging feeling of disaster, that something was going to go wrong tonight, but she was going to hell on earth so that was natural. Honestly the drive had felt as if it took only taken five seconds, probably because the girl was zoned out for most of it. Ten minutes early, that meant another ten minutes added to the time Freyja spent there. Well, that just gave her time to scope out hiding spots, and that is exactly what the brunette did.

So far there had only been five hiding spots, not including the vents. Well, that was one less thing to worry about. Now, if the decayed bunny decided to play a game of manslaughter Freyja would know exactly where to go. That is, if her sense of direction didn't fail her. Groaning, the girl trudged back to her office, dreading the night to come.

That's when she saw it. The large metal bucket sitting in the center of the room filled with clean, soapy water. Next to it sat a bristle brush with a note attached to it. "Go clean Springtrap, he stinks. - E" Is what the note read. Of course, she had to clean the slightly homicidal robot the night after he tried to kill her. Amazing, just amazing. Well, might as well do it at the start of the night. Picking up the supplies provided, Freyja made her way down the old hallways searching for the bunny.

Currently, he was sitting in his usual spot. It looked as if he hadn't moved yet, which was a good sign. That meant he likely wouldn't move for a while but knowing her luck Freyja would probably be wrong about that. "You better not try to kill me." The guard groaned, looking up to the face of the animatronic. it was still mind-blowing that this 7' hunk of metal didn't end her life last night.

With a sigh, the girl bent down to dunk the brush in the water and get to work. First, the girl worked on his chest area before doing the rest of his mechanical body. What was interesting though, was the purple she saw through the rips and what seemed like...human organs? Wait, human organs!? Hopefully that was just for aesthetic purposes, though that thought was not enough to comfort the girl's racing heart. Well, whatever. Freyja pushed that to the back of her mind before continuing her work down to his torso.

While the brunette had been cleaning the animatronic, she felt eyes staring into her. Though, she simply brushed it off as paranoia, since it couldn't possibly be anyone else right? Once finished with the bunny's torso and legs, Freyja went up to clean his head, though jumped in surprise to find two white irises staring right back at her. Well, good to know she wasn't just paranoid. 

"You better not eat me."  The guard hissed, attempting to calm her racing heart, though it was to no avail. The bright white eyes of the animatronic simply looking at her was not a comfort to her either, she couldn't tell what was going on in that mechanical head of his. Reluctantly, the brunette reached up with the brush in hand to clean is face, yet it was to no avail. This decayed creature was far too tall for the girl to reach that high on him. In reaction to this fail, Springtrap emitted something resembling a chuckle before slightly bending enough to be face-to-face with the new guard. Other than this, the robot made no other movements, he simply waited.

Freyja nearly jumped out of her skin when the animatronic moved, and immediately whipped her hand away. It had taken a moment for the girl's heart to calm itself, the fright of the robot moving had caused it to run a marathon in the brunette's rib cage. God! That thing really had a way of scaring the girl. "Thanks." The short female muttered, gently scrubbing the fabric on his face. Well, at least he wasn't trying to murder her yet, but if he did at least he'd smell good. 

Cleaning the entire bunny had taken around an hour and changing the water five times. Man, this thing was dirty! It's almost like nobody's ever cleaned him. Since the girl was done, she awkwardly turned around and speed walked back to the office, ignoring the burning feeling of those white eyes staring at her.

Honestly, Springtrap had half a mind to follow the brunette. Not try to kill her, but simply follow her, though ultimately decided against it. He was curious about this girl, she nearly died to him the night before but now she was taking care of him, how odd indeed. This night guard certainly wasn't like the rest of them, and actually seemed to care.

For the next five hours, the animatronic hardly moved. Even if he did, he made sure not to venture too close to the office. Springtrap was pretty adamant though and didn't really move too far from his original spot. This came as a relief to Freyja, calming her racing thoughts and heart. However, it was odd the night went smoothly. 

Why wasn't he trying to kill her? That thought stuck in the girl's head as the 6 am bell rung. Well, she could figure it out tomorrow. With a yawn, the night guard power walked out of the building and to her trusty truck. What an uneventful night.

Sighing, Freyja started up her truck before heading home. She had so many unanswered questions, what was inside that robot? was there a hidden truth to Fazbear entertainment? There certainly was something fishy going on there, and the brunette planned to figure out what. 

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