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Freyja groaned, simply lying on her back, staring at the ceiling. She looked...disheveled, but who wouldn't after a dream as she had? Probably not many; I mean, who is calm after having a dream of a murderer who looks like your manager? Well, it's sure to be nothing serious. Springtrap, er, William, is an animatronic. He doesn't and can't look like Edward! It's not plausible.

Ugh, why does this have to be so complicated!? Couldn't Springtrap just have kept him being William a secret? Not like it would have made the brunette feel any better, but still. It would be nice not to have nightmares about the animatronic chasing her. That, however, may be her fault. If she wasn't working in that shithole horror attraction, she would be safer and have fewer nightmares. Though the money wasn't bad, and she needed it.

Huffing, the girl slapped her alarm off seconds before it had gone off. Freyja had been up for a few hours, contemplating. She was considering if she needed this job if Springtrap was the killer. What would she do if he was? Would she continue working at the horror attraction or get out of there? Honestly, the brunette didn't know. So far, the 7ft bunny didn't seem interested in her, considering he usually leaves her be. 

Well, whatever. Freyja could decide later. For now, she had to get ready for work. Putting on the uniform, the brunette trudged to her truck. She didn't want to go or discover whether Springtrap was telling the truth. Part of her wanted him to be lying, for this to be some sick joke. Though the other part of her believes the theory that William is the killer, that doesn't make sense! How could he be the killer? Ultimately, Freyja decided it wasn't true, that Springtrap was joking. He did love scaring her, so it made sense. This didn't help calm her nerves, though; part of her deep down still believed it was true and was nagging at her brain to trust her. 

Inhaling deeply, the brunette finally pulled into the empty parking lot. Honestly, she was so caught up in her thoughts she hadn't realized she was already there. Groaning again, Freyja made her way into her office, though what she was met with surprised her. Springtrap was leaning on the wall in the furthest corner, staring at the door. He was most likely waiting for the girl's arrival. It was weird, though, in the few weeks that Freyja had been working there, Springtrap never did that. "S-so..?" Springtrap inquired, his white optics staring into Freyja's. He was asking about what her findings were, wasn't he?

"'re not the killer." Freyja started, weak confidence in her answer. "Are you..?" She added, all confidence gone. She knew the answer, but she hoped it wasn't true. Springtrap emitted a mechanic sigh, looking to the ground before back to her. The animatronic motioned towards the chair, wordlessly telling her to sit. He knew what he was about to do would freak her out, and he didn't need to watch her pass out.

Reluctantly, the brunette took the seat, staring suspiciously at Springtrap as he moved closer. Now, he was a few inches from the girl kneeling, so they were face to face. Sluggishly, the male brought his greenish-yellow hands to his jaw, un-latching it. Then, he put either hand on his upper and lower jaw before prying the head open. The sound of fabric tearing was the only thing heard in the room as Freyja watched the bunny. Revealed was a disturbing purple face. Was that really what was left of William? And why did it resemble her nightmare so much? The brunette stiffened in her chair, blue eyes going wide. Although she had seen this before in a dream, it was much different. Scared wasn't precisely the term Freyja would use to explain how she felt; it was more like..surprised. Honestly, she wasn't expecting this at all, even though she had no idea what to expect.

How has he stayed "alive," for lack of a better term, for all these years? He still has consciousness from before he was put in the suit and can still speak. How though? It was quite a mystery. Freyja wouldn't let it go that way, however. She would figure it out one way or another, sooner or later. "How have you stayed alive in this..suit?" The girl inquired, her slender fingers tracing the bottom of his animatronic jaw once he put it back in place, hiding his purple face.

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