Chapter 1

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I was peacefully sleeping with my head on my office desk,I must have fallen asleep ,I was  meeting up with my boss fury for god knows what he wants,I arrived at his office and got yelled at I didn't like the fact that it was alnost midnight and i was srill here"sir with all do respect what the hell do you want"i say as I take a seat in front of  one of the chairs"what the hell i want is why the fuck didn't you do the paperwork I gave you" really that man

"I did most of it"i didn't want to fight it was late"well get to it"fury says as he sat back down on his chair"sir it's midnight"i say I was still tired "well I said get to it so get the hell to it hill I'm not going to ask you for the third time"he says

"What is going on"a familiar voice says it was Natashas,she stormed into furys office "well what's going on here is miss hill didn't do the paper work like I asked her"fury stated

"Sir with all due respect you can't fucking expect her to do all of that paper work in one day she's human too,she needs her energy for missions,she needs to eat the last time I've seen her eat was probably what yesterday,she needs some rest she's been exhausted ever since you sent her to that one mission in Atlantis  which you have no comment on,you normally do say something,you never said she did a good job!,neither did you even let her have any days off in months heck no maybe years"romanoff argued fury stood up and looked at me with a serious face

"Fine,hill I'm sorry for my behaviour and she is right your human too,you did an amazing at your mission back at Atlantis,and I'm giving you two months off and you two romanoff both of you deserve it so much,I am very sorry again of my behaviour it's just things been stressful and all with shield"fury said I've never heard him say anything like that

"Sir thank you but were here for you if you need anything we have your back,I know back when you recruited me to be a shield agent you were the one who gave me a home,a world where I belong you showed me how to be a good person and forget my past,your like a father to me fury"nat spoke with true honesty and love I've never heard her say this  but she was right fury took care of us in our toughest times

"Fury,you took care of us when nobody would I remember like it was yesterday you took me in after my dad and mom had died,you gave me a home a roof under my head,you made  me an agent "I said fury got up and hugged us both

"Well thank you girls,you two are the best daughters I could ever ask for,tho I will set up a vacation for the both of you"fury says I was happy at his words

"Well can I go back to sleep then"nat says as she rubs her eyes,wow was she cute

"Of course girls again I'm sorry Maria for my lack of words against you"i nod and walk out his office with Nat

"So uuh Nat" "yeah" "I was wondering how about we both go on a vacation together,it will cost fury less and we could get to know eachother alot ever"i ask really hoping she says yes,not because I wanted  not to know more about her I do but I just want to spend time with her

"Yeah that would be nice"she says"want a ride back to the tower  I didn't see your car when I got here"nat asks me as she smiles,gosh that smile is like a rainbow"oh uum I fell asleep on my desk table,so I kind if stayed the hole day at shield"she gasped and looked at me"oh Maria,you must be tired c'mon like it or not I'm driving you here"nat says I nod

"Thanks for what you did back there....because of you we got two months vacation"i say Nat chuckles,she opens her car door for me to get in

She was like a gentleman but a woman so gentlewoman?

I look tierdly our the window my eyes slowly  getting heavier and heavier at one point I couldn't keep them opend any longer

"Hey hey,Maria is you want to sleep you can sleep"she says I nod and lean my head against the car window

Moments later I fell asleep.

I was lucky to have sombody like Maria,girls like her you can't find that easy she's one of a kind,I look at her as I turn her beautifull and calm face it was good to know she was peacefully resting

And as long as she's with me and resting nobody is ever going to bother her untill she's rested

I driver for another five minutes when I parked into the Avengers underground parking lot,yes we do have that

I gently go to Maria's side and slip my hands under her,I pick her up and wrap her arms around my neck

She looks like a baby in this position,I carry her all the way inside luckily only Clint and Steve were outside assuming that everybody had to leave for a mission tomorrow

Both the boys gave me confused looks as I walk past them with Maria in my arms

I just ignore them and walk to her room my room was across from hers,I open her room door and place her gently on her bed

I take of her heals and put them aside then pulling the covers over her,I kiss her lightly on her temple and then leave to go to my own room

The reason I was at shield so late was be sure Clint forgot to put one of the documents back to where it was because I'm pretty sure nobody would like to find coulsons

File with a bunch of captain America stickers,cards,photos,the man's weird but it's his thing

I quickly get changed and head to bed.

Like I said I'm obsessed with blackhill like alot really,

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