chapter 4

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Further in the story I will be adding a bit of mamma spider/spider son,the spell casted in nwh to make everybody forget Peter parker is spider man doesn't count in this fiction and Tony stark isnt dead

When we got to the tower I parker my car we headed inside as we were welcomed by the sweet loving voice of Jarvis just kidding,Maria goes to the kitchen and I settle on the couch and put on The Office,Maria came back and sat next to me

We still had plenty of time to do whatever we want I was about to suggest something when the door flew open,I quickly stood up armed with my gun in my hand and Maria behind me

"Identify yourself or I will shoot"i say as the mysterious person walks in it was

Peter,I quickly lowerd my gun down,Peter came ran crying towards me and hugged me tight I almost fell over due to how hard he hugged me"m-mama s-spider"peter's voice was shaky it seems at to though he's been crying long

"Yeah baby spider I'm here" I gently say as I run my hands true his soft hair,Maria made a awe voice I gave her a death glare,she chuckled and shook her head

She walked to the kitchen again..I sat Peter down on the couch and so did I"m-m-mama s-spider"peter cried into my chest as he wrapped his arms around me tightly

"Yeah baby spider?"i ask him softly as stroking his hair,he looks at me with tears coming from his eyes and onto his beautifull face

"M-m-my a-aunt s-she was k-killed by t-the g-green-goblin"peter cried even harder

Peter's aunt passed away due to some messed up shit with different Spidermans coming out of different universes with their villains which doctor strange helped with(let's just pretend that everybody knows Peter like the spell in nwh to make everybody forget Peter parker is spider man let's forget about it)

"I know I know baby spider I'm sorry" I say Maria came back and sat on the other side of Peter "Hey I'll be right back Okay"i say looking down at Peter he nods and puts his head on Maria's shoulder

I smile and get up,Maria rubs her hand through his hair,I went into the kitchen and heated up a glass of milk it always calms Peter down from any kind of emotion weather it's anger,sadness you name it

I went back with the heated milk in a glass and handed it to Peter he took it right away and started drinking it,I signal Maria to follow me

We went into the kitchen"the poor kids Been through alot"maria said standing infront of me,I rub my hand over my for head I looked to the ground.

Peters been through alot first uncle Ben,then his dad,and mom,and now  his aunt,least to say his life can't get any messed up than it is,Nat looked worried,nervous she looked at the ground

Which is normally not ever a good sign,I lift her chin up with my finger to make her look at me"he can't take all the pain,all the blame,trust me I've felt what's it like"nst says as she looked into my eyes,her emerald green eyes were the perfect eyes upon sight

"Hey I know and I know that it isn't his fault,it's because of that green thing he said"im say trying to sound silly to brighten up the mood witch worked because Nat smiled and laughed

"Greengobllin"say says I nod my head and take her back to the living room where Peter was sitting at Peter gets up and practically jumps up into Natasha's arms to a position where she's holding him in her arms like a baby

"You Okay?"she asked softly,Peter nods and buried his face into her chest"you want to go to bed??"Nat asks Peter,which Peter responds to with a nod

"Okay c'mon let's go to your room"nat says  she smiles at me before walking off to get to his room "no!"Peter yelled,Nat looked confussed for a second want to go to your room,you always have the best blankets in the world"peter says Nat chuckles lightly and nods

Who wouldn't say no to him (unless he actually is 17 let's pretend he is, if he's older than that)

Nat opens her door with one wphand and lays Peter on her neatly made bed,she pulled the covers on him the room was cold since we always leave the air conditioning on so it gets cold

She lightly kissed Peter on the forhead,and turned to leave Peter looked at me "please?"he asks me with a pout "oh alright"i gently kiss his nose and head out

"Goodness"i heard Nat mumble,"you okay?"I ask her with concern laced around my voice she nods and smiles at me,we head back to the kitchen and cuddles up close on the couch Peter was on

We were watching a movie but eventually we got bored we decided on making brownies again,when I heard screams coming from  upstairs Nat looked at me before running like pietro up the stairs,I followed behind her.

I ran as quick as I could to my room those screams were coming from Peter,that's not a good Singh I got into my room to Peter tossing and turning in the sheets I carefully sat on the side of my bed placing  a hand in his hair gently stroking it

"Petey honey it's okay it's okay it's just a dream"i sat back up against the headboard and wrapped my arms around him,he quickly sat up and looked at me the expression on his face was a scared boy it almost made me

Think of a certain

He wrapped his arms around my waist and layed his head in my shoulder  "Hey it's okay your here,your safe"i say he nods and wipes away his tears he looked at me and sighed"you want brownies"i ask him he looks up at me and smiles wide

Knowing brownies were his favourite"yay"he says as he gets up and  walks out the door I chuckle to myself

I saw Maria leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed j walked up to her"you really good with him"she says  I blushed lightly ,she put an arm around me and we walked downstairs

Peter was already infront of us,once we got to the kitchen Peter squeals in exitment"will you do the honors us tasting spider boy?"Maria asks him teasingly he nods his head and cuts it into pieces"hmmm I love your brownies their always the best"peter says smiling at me

After we were done with eating brownies we orderd pizza,me Peter and Maria sat on the couch Peter head  was on my lap and my head was  on Maria's shoulder

We watched the movie in peace,but Peter had to go home we said goodbye and walked off "we need to pack now"i say Maria groans and agreed with me,we both went our own ways and headed to our rooms

I packed a bit to quickly,as though I forgot to put the sunscreen in my suitcase,I had like  forty different hoodies packed with me since its the only thing I wear I do sometimes wear tops

T-shirts,I packed a few jeans and sweatpants I packed  different swim suits,and dresses for when we go out somewhere like dinner or something

I was all packed and headed to Maria's room,i knocked and she opend immediately "You packed that quick"she asks me I chuckle lightly as she lets me in I sit on her bed with my legs crossed

I watch her as she walks back and fourth between her closet and bringing the clothes back to her suitcase,by the time she was done I had fallen asleep,i felt sombody press a light kiss on my for head before the covers get pulled over me

It was Maria obviously,she climbed in next to me,I put a hand on her chest and my other intertwined our fingers together

We peacefully fell asleep that night

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