chapter 7

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At the restaurant we sat at a table of three we all made some small talk with eachother asking about how it's going,Nat was still sleepy which I could tell by her eyes and the way she's talking,we began scanning the menus deciding what to order,I had no appetite for anything extreme fancy so I just went with some pasta,Nat wanted pasta too eventually phill couldn't decide so he got a pasta as well

We were our dinner in peace creating small talk we I mean I was stuffed I couldn't eat anymore Nat was practically half asleep half awake so we decided to go back to the hotel

The waiter came with the after we left we put the money in and left him a sixty dollar tip,the walk back to the car was a short but peacefull walk Nat leaned her head on my shoulder I wrapped my one arm around her waist keeping her up her feet

And for a moment I swore I saw coulson look at us,as we went to the car "coulson you really don't have to do this everytime your here on vacation too not be our servant"nat mumbled as she was referring to coulson always opening the doors for us

"Okay my bad"he said raising his hands in the air up in defense,me and Nat stepped in as soon as I closed my door Nat was already next to me her head almost on my chest

Her breathing evened out very quickly which only meant one thing she was asleep.i softly kiss her on the head as coulson began to drive

We arrived at the hotel coulson carried Natasha in his arms up to our room,I really wanted to do that though

He sat her on the bed as he said goodnight and left to go to his room, I too out nats shoes and put them aside I gently pull down her dress and went to get something to put on her

I grabbed her leggings and a hoodie,I slid them on as Natasha stirred in her sleep a bit,as I pulled the hoodie over her head fully and slid it down I found her bra claps and pulled it off and tossed it to the side

Every body knows the risks of sleeping with a bra I pull the covers over her and head to the bathroom,I put on almost the same thing as Natasha except instead if leggings I put on a pair of sweat pants

I turned off the lights and headed to bed I slid under the covers quickly,Nat curled up beside me and nuzzelded her nose into my side she was so cute

The next morning I wake up to the side if me empty I looked around the room trying to adjust to the light but had no luck,I heard a groan and looked down at the floor to see Maria"oh my gosh"i chuckle she looked up at me and pouts,I get up from the bed and lay on the floor next to her

I put my head on her chest"how did you end up on the floor"i ask Maria "I fell off at some point in the night"she says as she strokes my hair 

Her fingers in my hair feels amazing,I groan as she removes her hand out of my hair "c'mon let's get on the bed"she says as she gets up and pulls me to my feet i groan and get on the bed "thanks for last night"i say Maria looks at me and nod as she smiled

We both lay back down on the bed and  cuddled we stayed like that for quit some time but it was already nine am"we should get ready how about you get ready and I order room service?"Maria asks me I nod and head to the shower I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a  light green top

As I was done with my shower  I brushed my teeth and then died myself off,I put on my clothes and did my hair in a ponytail,I went out of the bathroom " Hey I orderd pancakes if that's okay "Maria asks me as she walks into the bathroom fun fact I loved pancakes

"More than okay I love them"i say she chukles before closing the bathroom door

Today we were going to just chill out and do our own stuff and then do the next few days we three hang our together.

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