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So I woke up with eyes staring at me from the was Mattheo!!!!
I immediately the hell did u come door he said while smirking...ha ha very funny get out now I have to change and he stepped out I got up took a shower and got ready as I stepped out of my dorm he was still standing there...u were standing here from all this time?? He just nodded and said u promised u would guide me to my classes,won't u ??... Sure let's go otherwise we will be late and we walked together to potions it was one of my favorite classes because snape somehow loved me...after we all took are seats,Snape announced that we all will work in partners......Mr malfoy with miss parkison...and I guess miss wolfrick will help Mr riddle to coverup with potions...sure sir I said and he came and sat beside me we talked and enjoyed the class after all the classes we were walking together to the common room I noticed  he was  trying to say something wanna say something riddle?? I asked his expression changed and he said never ever call me by my last name...Ok,ok cool down so wanna say something mattheo ??...Umm I just wanted to ask if u wanna show me around...So from so much time u were trying to ask this ?? I said while laughing , ofcourse I will
I showed him all around the school after we reached the ground...wanna take a walk , I asked...he just smiled and nodded...we were walking as I asked wanna tell me about your family??... his expressions faded again we sat on the cold grasd and he said...everybody including u must  be thinking I am just like my father but thats not the truth I never like killing someone...I have seen people suffer and die in front of me and only Ik how it feels....I never even had a friend from childhood with whom I can share all this with he said while a tear fell from his eye
Hey hey relax I said while wiping his tears I don't think u are like ur father,never ik ur heart is clean
And I just wanted to ask will u become my friend you wanna become my friend??he replied...yeah I said
O..of course I willlllll !!!!!! He replied
We both smiled and went back to our dorms

Thats it for Now I  hope u all liked it
Seeee u

when you are in love with a Riddle - Mattheo Riddle Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ