The letter

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I slowly opened the letter with tears in my eyes..." My dear mattheo..ik you'll say yes Ig you are just shy or smt but ik eventually you will say yes..i love you Mr.Riddle..i love you sooo soo soo much ik this gift is nothing but this is the only thing i thought you would like and..yeah i customised it myself and thank you thank you for making me this happy...i love you MATTHEO RIDDLE i love you with all your flaws "

After reading that lovely letter i started crying hysterically and didnt realise when i slept....i woke up and it was the next day i stepped out of my bed and got ready as i was walking down the hallway i saw her...y/ heart shattered into pieces when i saw her..her eyes were swollen and she looked weak as if she has cried the whole night.....i gathered all my strength and walked towards her and said..heyy y/n b-but she didn't reply..she walked past me like i was a stranger...i lost her and she was the whole day like that


It has been a week and she has been the same everybody asked her what's wrong but she just ignored it with a fake smile..i broke her and it broke me

That's it for this chapter guys !!❤️❤️

when you are in love with a Riddle - Mattheo Riddle Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat