the meeting

15 1 0

Y/n's POV

I stormed off from there while crying and went straight in my dorm....

I slept thinking about Mattheo

I was in half sleep when I heard pansy banging on the door

Wake up y/n cmmon !!!
What's wrong its the weekend let me live peacefully I shouted back....we have to go on a picnic..remember !!! She said
Shit ! Shit ! Shit !
I jumped from my bed and immediately opened the door......why are u in your nightdress!!!! She said just shut up and help me find a outfit I  replied
We searched my whole cupboard than finally choose a pink denim dress with flowers
Now get out and let me get ready

I went to the common room after getting ready

As I entered I felt mattheo and Draco's eyes on me 👀

I felt Mattheo was gonna speak but as he was going to Draco came and hugged me and for some reason I hugged him back while maintaining an eye contact with Mattheo

U look beautiful Y/n said Draco

Mattheo was constantly staring at us

We went and enjoyed the picnic

Thank you guys ❤

when you are in love with a Riddle - Mattheo Riddle Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora