the ring

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I ran away from there with tears after handing over the gift to mattheo which had my feelings in it i went straight into my dorm locked it and fell on the floor and cryed my heart out... suddenly I heard footsteps near my door but i didn't really care..........


My heart broke as I saw her smile fade she had tears in her eyes that she wasnt able to control...she ran away after handing over a was very beautifully wrapped in a black sheet as it was my favourite colour...I decided to go to my dorm and open it....I was going to my dorm but my heart forced me to check on her as I went near her dorm i could hear her crying hysterically i ran away too my dorm and hid my face in my hands and then decided to see whats in the box as i slowly opened it i saw a note and a beutiful silver ring inside it....I loved rings and this had my initial on it and my eyes started watering after seeing it...shit this is the very first time I cryed because of a girl...god i am in so damn love with her

Hey guys thanks for reading... MATTHEO IS CRYING!!!

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