Hollow Mind

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"Ugh, out of all the places you could've thrown me in you chose this one!" Exclaimed Enid with a smile at an unconscious Luz. "Fan-freakin-tastic choice, Luz."

"Why are you even here?! I get her being here, she's annoying. You, on the other hand, why?!" Asked Hunter angrily.

"So it's illegal to go to dangerous back alleys in the middle of the night now?" Replied Enid rolling her eyes.

"If it messes with MY investigation, YES!" Exclaimed Hunter angrily.

Enid groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Still kissing Belos's saggy feet I see. Ugh, I can smell the hypocrisy from here." Groaned Enid with a disgusted expression.

"I'm not helping Belos! I'm trying to find out who I am! Who I...was made after."

Enid went silent from shock. She didn't expect her words to shake Hunter's loyalty this much.

Enid rested her head onto the palm of her hand and leaned onto the floor. "Ooh, character development. Sadly, you wasted your time. I already know everything about your quote unquote father."

"Wha-?" The word left Hunter's mouth like a whisper, but it showed how shocked he was.

But before Hunter could reply or ask anything, the two heard a groan from besides them. It came from Luz who just woke up.

"Where am I?" She asked groggily.

"In the mind of a 400 year old tyrant. How are you feeling?" Asked Enid jokingly.

"Huh?" Luz let out a a sound of confusion.

"You stranded us inside the emperor's mind!!!" Exclaimed Hunter angrily. "...wait- he's 400 years old?"

Enid could only rolled her eyes as she recalled why she decided to get into this situation.


"So Belos is trying to kill all the witches on the boiling isles through a spell that would drain everyone's magic during the day of unity?" Asked Principal Bump in shock as he, Enid and her palisman stood in a dark shady alley. "That's a stretch. I thought he was uniting us with the titan."

"And the titan is currently~" said Enid as she prepared a potion, signaling for Bump for to finish her sentence to which he replied with a confused look. "C'mon, the first adjective or noun you can think of."

Bump went silent and thought about it for a second before shrugging.

"A corpse?" He asked only for him to quickly realize what he just said. "Oh...I see it now. What should we do?"

Enid hummed. "Well, currently I'm trying to make the reverse of the spell. I already have a substitute for the magic of the nine coven heads, the galderwell. I just need the original spell schematics."

"And how are you going to get them?" Asked Bump curiously.

"I'm going into Belos's mind with Luz and someone you don't know." Replied Enid nonchalantly.

"Wait- WHAT?!"

As Bump exclaimed in shock, Enid threw the potion she was working on onto the ground causing the area to be filled with smoke.

"Find to Eda! She'll have a way to talk, bye!" Enid yelled as she ran away leaving a worried and confused Bump with her palisman who knew about everything.

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