Chapter One

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North view University was the most prestigious university in the entire country and it was Mia's first day.  "Mom, I can't believe we're actually here" Mia said excitedly to her mom. "I know honey, I'm so excited for you". "Me too, mom". Mia rolled down the car windows, and stuck out her head to admire the school as her mom drove in through the school gates. She felt her excitement go up and bubbles in her throat as she watched. She was going to be one of them soon. North view University or NVU as it was called by both the students and staff of the school was one of the oldest universities in the country, established in the year, 1668, and ranked number one in the entire country. North view Alumni consisted of various celebrities, Nobel prize winners, billonaires and even presidents. It had a five percent acceptance rate and for Mia Reed, it was a dream come true to be accepted. It felt worth it after all the studying, extra lessons, club meetings, and volunteering at the local community center. 
"It's so beautiful here" mia thought to herself. As her mom drove, Mia looked at the school buildings which you could tell that had history. The architecture was amazing, the roads were well tarred and free from trash. It was fall season and the trees and falling leaves made everywhere look so pretty.   Mia Reed was an 18 year old girl who lived in the small town of Brickfield. She was of average height had curly 4b hair, she had an olive skin tone, and was generally described as pretty by friends and family. If anyone who knew her was asked what her most defining feature was, they would say her smile. Mia smiled a lot even for the littlest things. Sometimes, it even got her in trouble because she smiled in situations were she shouldn't be smiling. "Do you think I should call dad?"she asked her mom. "Sure honey, I think he should be done with his surgery already" her mom replied back. Mia got out her phone and proceeded to dial her dad's number. He picked up on the second ring. "Hey dad, we just got in, it's so much more prettier than when we came here back in August for Orientation, I can't believe I actually got in, I can't wait to meet Lia, How was the surgery dad?" Mia said all this in one breath. "Woah, calm down pumpkin" Her father laughed. "I know you're excited, and what do you mean you can't believe you actually got in, you worked your ass off for this remember?" "I know dad, I'm just so excited. I got into NVU!!!" she replied back to her dad. "And I'm proud of you for that pumpkin, and yes, the surgery went well". Mia's father, Larry Reed was a Pediatric surgeon at the hospital back in their hometown of Brickfield. He was lanky man with curly brown hair and brown eyes which mia Inherited.
"Oh dad, we're driving into dorms now, we'll talk later. Love you". "Love you too pumpkin. Tell your mom I said hi". "Alright" and she hung up the call.  "Dad said hi", she  told her mom. "Okay sweetie". Mia sat up, and gathered her things as she watched her mom drive into the grounds of Park Hall. "We're here Mia". Mia quickly brought out her pocket sized mirror, applied a little bit of powder and lip gloss. She looked down at what she wore, she had on a pair of Jeans, a tanktop, and a beige leather jacket, with ankle boots on. "I hope I look okay" she thought to herself. "Mom, do you think I look good?" She asked her mom. Her mom gave her a quick once over. "You look beautiful baby. I can't believe you're leaving too already" Her mom started tearing up. "Mom please, don't cry, I'm gonna cry too, and besides, I'll be home for Christmas. It's not so long anymore". "I know honey" her mom replied back as she wiped her tears. "Okay, Let's do this" her mom said as they both stepped out of the car.

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